TeamSwitching/Playing with friends

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by NeoMatrix, December 20, 2010.

  1. NeoMatrix

    NeoMatrix New Member

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    I know this has been suggested by a number of people and I know people are worried about team stacking etc... however, my reasons for this are purely that I just want to play with my friends. If they are good or bad, doesn't matter... I just want to play with them. Also, I am from the East Coast and currently living in the West Coast and my younger brother is back home. It is almost impossible for us to get together in a game and play on the same team. It is important to me to be able to log on and play with my brother. Tonight we tried joining and rejoining several times, with a few successes; however, they were short lived since it reshuffled us to opposite teams on map change. This was extremely distressing... I don't see any dev responses to plans for how they plan on handling this. Well devs, what say you?
  2. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    You could play with friends in the Xbox version, it was just based off partying pre-lobby. Without the ability to swap teams you could never scrim. They most likely just haven't gotten around to adding it to the game yet.

    I couldn't imagine them not adding tools to play with friends.

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