Zatchmo: Assault x Zatchmo: Assault Snatchmo: Pub Assault Zatchhoe: Pub Assault Zatchdouche: Assassin x Fagmo: Pub Assassin Team Strategist Mozatch: Working on getting the team prepared for Skyrim gamebattles. Badmo: Soon to be replacing x Fagmo, because apparently F4gmo was banned on these forums. Alright guys, trophies...oh wait.
what about mozatch and clinko? did they get left out? and which one of you died in the oblivion tutorial?
Snactchmo's a punk. Hide's out in his base, never more than a charge away from his spawn room. Guy's a nutless pub assault. The rest of the team is solid tho.
For the best line up you should really switch X Zatchmo and Snatchmo. X Zatchmos a way better Pub Assualt.