1. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Team Royal Flush is a new team to Monday Night Combat, by that I do not mean we're new to the game, we are actually rather experienced players, but we're a new team looking to expand the fun times on MNC by playing scrims and getting more into competitive play with a solid and all around strong team.

    We are mostly European players, but there's no harm in adding someone from another continent in my opinion, though the player on the other continent from where the host connection is located will be having a worse connection than the rest.

    We will also be doing scrims, so feel free to ask us for a game, we'll be looking to host and join other games, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, we're up for it.

    We are looking to increase the members of our team so that we can play matches even when someone is offline or unable to join a match, or such of that nature.

    I'd like to note that we will not only be doing private matches, we will also be doing public matches too, I for one always enjoy playing some public matches with a good team.

    Team as of now:

    aTb Ripper (Support)
    ChristmasInDuck (Sniper)
    Pot4t0m4n (Assault)
    Sensitivepsycho (Tank)
    Insolublefluff (Assassin)
    peTuliacat (Assault)
    dizzy jaws (Assassin)
    IPUR3 EVIL (Assassin/Gunner)
    Govnerplatypus (Gunner/Tank/Assassin)

    Wildman X2k (Substitute)

    Now allow me to explain that the set classes does not mean you're limited to that class and that class only, for example in public games you can play any class you'd like of course. It's just that on a more competitive level it'd be better if you were to stick to a specific class as so to avoid confusion of what to do and so that you can easier adapt to a situation with a class you're more comfortable with.

    Personally I enjoy playing every class (except one), I've had times where I play one class over a period of time, lately that class has been sniper and therefore I've been labeled as such; a sniper. Just because you are skilled with one class does not mean you are not efficient with the others, we realize that and we welcome players who can play a variety of classes. I would say it is actually beneficial being able to play any class, that way you can take up any positition on the team if someone is absent. However most of our team can play any class already, it's just that usually players have some classes they excel at more than others, and there is where we stand.

    You will not be randomly invited to the team, we will be partying up with you in games for a little while so that we can evaluate you. Also things such as level and K/D (Kill per death ratio) does not matter too much when joining a team, there are other things that define a strong player as well. You want to be able to be friendly towards your team though and communicate throughout the games you play, those are necessities.

    Now if you are wanting to apply to the team you can come into contact with us in two ways, you either leave a comment on this thread and we'll get back to you, or you contact us through Xbox Live. If you decide to contact us through Xbox Live I would recommend you contact either aTb Ripper, P0t4t0m4n or myself (ChristmasInDuck) since we'll be on top of the situation concerning this regularily.

    - See you in game.

    Oh now that... is what Monday Night Combat is all about! - Mickey Cantor
    Last edited: April 4, 2011
  2. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Re: Team Royal Flush - Recruiting

    Now feel free to ask us for scrims as we'll be looking to do a few games in the near future. We'd prefer to have it at a set time, so we can get the required members of the team for our game, since not everyone can always join at a specific time. However we will also be doing games with less than 6 players, but hopefully also a few with a full team.

    Leave a comment about your team you are and your gamertags and we'll try to set up a game soon.
    Or you don't even have to be a team, just put a team together with a few friends and let's play some for fun as well.

    Remember we're mostly europeans and so european connections fits better.
  3. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Gotta talk to my team and see if they'd be up for a little Euro action. I don't see the harm if its a little laggy since its a scrim.
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    hit up the italian churros clan. they are from italy.
  5. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Just giving you guys a heads up, 1 of each class works much better than 2 assaults and no gunner.
  6. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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  7. Potatoeman

    Potatoeman New Member

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    if you find us a decent gunner we'd be happy to play with him/her :D For the moment nobody has showed any interest so the position is still open
  8. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Yeah, we're planning on playing against them, it'll be an interesting match I suppose, though only one team won't be enough, we need more to play against than just them, we play against them all the time in public matches anyway.
  9. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Indeed, it'd be great if we could get a gunner in on our team, the more players on a team the better in my opinion, if we get too many people eventually we'll just be able to do twice as many games.
  10. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dizzy! Try out for our team! D:

    We need some more european players, and on the forums you don't usually know who are europeans and not, and most the good players on MNC is americans, of course.
  11. [ITA]EvalZenith

    [ITA]EvalZenith New Member

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    aTb is in my friends list so we can play everytime you want ;)
  12. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Yeah, I know he is. We've played in several games together, didn't notice me?

    We will hopefully be able to set up a game really soon, would be nice if we could set it up later today.
  13. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

    Likes Received:
    • Change your ProTag to CHURRO MASTER.
    • Change your Club Tag to iTa.
    • Watch the Churros get mad.
  14. [V]iVergil zZ

    [V]iVergil zZ New Member

    Likes Received:
    -Spawn camp sensitive psycho + christmasinduck.
    -Make sensitivepsycho ragequit 2 times.
    -Have fun.
  15. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    if this is an inside joke, so be it. If not GTFO
  16. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

    Likes Received:
    -don't spawncamp
    -keep the game fun for everyone and not just you
  17. ChristmasInDuck

    ChristmasInDuck New Member

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    Yeah, we had like a dead dumb team feeding you guys kills, you had a full team against us...

    We had an assassin who didn't kill a single bot and went 3-23... Only SensitivePsycho and I killed bots and the rest of the team went negative still.

    Try that with our full team however and it'll be a totally different matter. Plus don't forget how many times we've spawn-camped you guys, that must be your first time.
  18. [V]iVergil zZ

    [V]iVergil zZ New Member

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    Nothing bad with you, we respect your team, that was just a response to sensitive psycho who is trolling us from a month but just keep losing matches versus us and ragequitting.
    If you want to gain respect then don't let your clan members keep doing that meanless things.
  19. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    I do apologise for my crappy Internet connection, I rejoined every time if there was still space.

    I'm looking forward to playing against you guys when it's not just me and a load of idiotic mouth-breathers against 3-5 [iTa] chaps. Which is how it almost always seems to be - do you guys invite each other to games with forum-heads?
  20. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

    Likes Received:
    are you from that iTa clan?

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