Team Deathmatch and Map Selection

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by SwiftYukimura, January 13, 2011.

  1. SwiftYukimura

    SwiftYukimura New Member

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    I don't know if this topic has been discussed but I'd like to tell you my idea. I'm sure there's been some people thinking about this and here's how I think it could go.
    Just like the beginning of a crossfire match, select class, upgrade skills etc. The difference is the objective is not to destroy a moneyball but which ever team that gets a certain amount of kills wins (example:1st team that reaches 40 kills wins) or which ever team that has the most kills within the time limit wins.(example:Team that has the most kills in 10:00 minutes wins)
    Bot spawning would go pretty much the same. Each class can still spawn their unique bots.(example:A Assassin spawns a group of Gremlins)
    But what is different is that every pro can spawn the normal automatic spawning, Black Jacks and Slims. Since unique bot spawning is $100 I was thinking the Black Jack and Slims could be $50. Someone also made a topic on Jack Bot spawnings but I wasn't sure about the price. If you have a price, share your idea. Also this is dumb info but if the if the bot you spawn gets a kill it's your kill. The only thing is, what happens once a bot makes it to the other teams base? Do they just explode or do they move freely like Gremlins and Bouncers? Help me if you have an idea. Next and probably most challenging part were turrets. The teams wouldn't really have a reason to go into the other teams base so how would a player get turret kills. Maybe turrets could be set up on different part/places on the map. Perhaps there could also be a larger profit for killing pros.

    The next thing was Map Selection. I think that the host should be able to choose the map they want to play at. But players can still veto.

    That about concludes my idea. Please feel free to modify this idea and let me know what you think. Let me know if you thought it was okay or just plain horrible. Bye
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I know the developers are not interested in a team death match mode. The idea has been posted here more than a few times.

    I'm not too sure the host picking the Arena would be too much different than the random system we have now. If I'm wrong or missing your point, please let me know. That being said, I don't see a benefit to it.

    BTW, welcome to the forums. :)
  3. SwiftYukimura

    SwiftYukimura New Member

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    Well maybe not host selection but at least each player could get to vote on a map. It's just the idea of a random map, that even if vetoed it's still another random selection, is no fun.
    But I'm not really that crazy about I love all the maps it's just that others may feel different.

    and BTW thanks for the Welcome.
  4. harpy515

    harpy515 New Member

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    Next time you should search for something like this. TD has been suggested so many times and it has never happened (hint hint).
  5. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    Le sigh..
  6. Flawed

    Flawed New Member

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    MNC is CLEARLY meant to be an objective based game. Now, there will always be people who focus on their K/D ratio, but quite frankly, I don't think Uber wants to do anything that would attract more of those people...
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Translated: He is sick of the unbalanced map priority. spunky is 2/3 the time, lazor is 1/4 the time. good luck getting anything but spunky, lazor, or steel peel.

    but i think the devs have backdoor access to map priority. they have spunky out due to the recentness of the dlc. they probably should rebalance the map selection soon tho.

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