It seems that every time someone is juiced and the money ball is down they seem to go right in front of the moneyball and taunt. So what I want to know is, why?? Why do you juice and taunt?
However sometimes in overtime when someone goes into the enemy base and taunts (while juiced) right in front of the moneyball (moneyball health 5%) they seem to win. So what Im asking here is, when you taunt while juiced does it have any effect on the moneyball?
No you just have to time it right so that you're shown at the end of game. I've died an uncountable amount of times tauting with or without juice next to the next-to-the-last shot that killed it.
people just do that so they can be caught mid-taunt in the win/lose screen. they probably juice for added survivability
Ummmm... Because there's nothing better than 3 people taunting on the moneyball at the end of the game. Juice just makes it easier and cooler.