Anyone else get lag with the jet gun? Not in every game but in most. Ill be burning a gunner or assassin an they wont take any damage point blank for like 2-3 seconds sometimes. The rail gun seems to be fine most of the time, if the match is lagging slightly i will use silver acc on my rail class. Jet gun lag is really annoying as ive been killed and lost kills because of it, even if im point blank blasting them in the back.
yeah It happened to me yesterday when i played someone who was the host and assault.. I had them marked on my jet gun for 3 seconds then it finally kicked in. By then i was jittering all over the screen and thought someones lag switching on me.
I seem to have this problem all the time with just about any class I play as. Close range combat boiling down to the opponent just having a better connection, apparently. It gets pretty frustrating at times. It's just enough of a lag issue to throw off part, or all of your game - the kind that you think everything is fine but really you're not connecting with some of your key shots.
Yeah ive had a bad week this week on mnc for connection. Mine is good but i play with a couple of american guys so obviously there is gonna be lag. But ive had games where some people have just been invincible, dont get it. Surely if they or me or connecting bad to the host we would lag when we move, i dont really know.
I never lag with the death blossom, but sometimes I can shoot the entire jet gun clip into an enemy's back, and they will walk it off as nothing happened :? .
This. Dead Stretch, you have no idea how many times you've won a Tank-on-Tank with me due to jetgun lag
Yeah, jetgun is not very good off-host. If you want to see how bad it is compared to how good it should be, play some matches off-host trying to jetgun people, then get host and do it again. It's amazing when you're host.
I've just taken it as a given that the first second of my Jetgun burst won't do any damage. Death-blossom/charge is all I got most days.
The really annoying this about death blossom is that I don't think the game registers it right after you juice, you have to wait a sec before it actually does any damage.
I hate this. There a few circumstances where the death blossom will do no damage. This is one of them. My favorite death blossom glitch happens during laggy games. Sometimes after performing a death blossom, you get stuck on the ground. You can walk around, but you can't jump. Sometimes, you can get out of it by death blossoming again or using a jump pad, but this doesn't always work.
Yeah i normally pull host but after midnight nobody joins the lobby, dont know if its because im from the UK or that a couple of my friends are American an its trying to find people from both places i dont know. Really annoying as my connection is good. But yeah host tank is amazing, host in general is good.
Quick question: Is host in this game as good as host in, lets say, COD? Because in COD host = godmode if you're good enough.
I think it makes more of a difference on this game myself. But yes, you get the same advantages like shots on target grapples/charges connect etc. Things that can be effected by a poor host.