Tank's Deathblossom does no damage after charge and Juice

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by DR0KZ, August 20, 2010.

  1. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    So i haven't played tank a whole lot, perhaps just 15ish games and always thought the Death Blossom wasn't causing damage due to lag, now while i tried solo Blitz for abit i found that it's doing the same on my own host aswell.

    Basically Death Blossom does no damage during and after a charge or right after a Juice use. Waiting a second or so will allow it to do damage, so until (if possible at all) they fix it be cautious about when you use teh spin'o death! :)

    I'm sorry if this has been posted before i did search but could find nothing

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