Tank`s jet hits but does no damage

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by six_pounder, June 12, 2011.

  1. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    I usually play on 150+ ping and when I play tank it takes a while for my target to start loosing health after I start shooting, I would start hitting a target- the hitting sound would be heard, but no damage is done until maybe a second later

    the most annoying instance was when I juiced and was hitting another tank that was running away, there was the hitting sound but he received no damage
    is that a ping Issue ? or another uber-bug ?
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    it's multiple ping issues compounding each other

    I get no problems when I play on my usual 50-ping servers, but if I go to euro servers where i ping 150+ I start to get the problems you described

    two issues when you have a high ping:

    1. With all weapons, there is some delay between when you hit someone and when you see their health go down.

    2. With the jet gun, you also have to worry about positional lag issues, since it has a limited range. When you approach a stationary target, you're not actually in range of it as soon as you think you are. When shooting at a retreating target, it's actually farther away than you think it is. Combine the two, and you can get situations where your game thinks you're in range of someone, but the server thinks you're nowhere close. You're farther back than you think you are, and your target is farther forward than you think he is.
  3. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    happens to me even with around 70ish ping, its so annoying as well, been around since xbox though it was a lot worse on there, stupid invisible shields -.-
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    You get this weird effect where it seems to highlight a barrier around the person. It's just a natural lag thing.
  5. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    thanks :)
    this is what I thought

    I dont play sin because of grapple ping issues ,
    and I also get grappled so many times while charging its ridiculous.
    I wonder how would it be if I could play on 40 ping
  6. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yep invisible lag shield, even with 70ping you get it with the jetgun at the edge of its range
  7. six_pounder

    six_pounder New Member

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    say tikki, do you play on US servers ? are there aussie mnc servers?
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yes there are AUS mnc servers, but there's only 1 server with people half the time.
  9. Ninja Midget

    Ninja Midget New Member

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    Yep and that 1 server seems to be getting quieter every day. Its not uncommon for half team matches.
  10. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    yeah and people quit a lot, since its normally fairly one sided teams, i normally play with 1 friend now and we try to pick the same teams just because its more fun for us, but when playing last night, our team always had the better players, it was kinda weird
  11. BillNyeTheScienceGuy

    BillNyeTheScienceGuy New Member

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    I have this happen to me pretty much every game I play tank. It is indeed very frustrating since I there are rarely any sub 100 ping servers with people playing on them.

    I typically notice is when I'm trying to just touch a player to set them on fire and then retreat like if I notice someone walking on a ledge above me in Lazor Razor. I hear the damage noise multiple times but no effect.

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