tank overuse?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Dragon-Guard, April 9, 2011.

  1. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    After the assault nerf i noticed the number of tank players has skyrockeded.

    Most games i play now often have 2-3 tanks in their team and often they end up winning if my team doesnt man up (man up as in deal with the tank and push the dam lanes atleast some)

    i mainly play assault and tank and to be honest after the assault nerf the tank has become a lot more potent.

    Basically now he has the most health, the best bot killing tool and the best charge in the game. (imo, its faster recharging then the assault, it does about as much damage and it knocks back which often means a ringout or a jetgun kill because of the stun.

    Now this is in no way a rage about the assault nerf or anything, just in my view as a 50/50 tank player it feels like this now is the most difficult to kill class.
    Only thing that manages to get it rather fast is either a gunner on distance or a potent sniper, both are rather rare in the games i play, esp with 3-4 tanks running around sometimes.

    in my view the tank is now the most powerful class considering damage vs bots, pros, a decent amount vs turrets and rather fast skills.
    Now i dont see a problem with him raping bots, turrets or the moneyball, thats what he was ment to do, it now just feels like hes doing to much damage vs pros after the armor nerf while he still is almost indestructible thanks to his unchanged gold armor.

    Now from the other side (as an assault who is a pro killing class) it became really hard to kill a decent tank, you either ring him out of catch his of guard or fleeing or your doomed.
    Also note im not talking about lvl 99+ players here, a 50-60 guys can already pretty much rape face with him (like my friend, lvl 56, plays tank constantly and most of the time ends up with a 4-5/0 k/d.

    Now again, this isn't a rage, just want to share my view and hear all your opinions.

    (note: i dont wanna start a new topic about this but ive been having some strange stuff happening when i was playing assault when i was hovering i sometimes get grappled out of my jetpack hover by sins)
  2. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Actually the numbers of heavies increased after the armor nerf for the light classes.

    It sucks because it's not all that fun when you play assassin but meh, I can play other classes.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I mostly play Assassin and Support. Since both classes suffer a lot from the strong presence of heavies on the field I have quit playing MNC for now. Hopefully we will see some adjustments to latest balance changes.
  4. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Thread implies that a team can have too many Tanks.

  5. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I wouldn't say that the heavies has become popular at all. I still see very little gunners and tanks, though they have become more frequent. I still mostly see assassins, snipers and assault.

    Though it's always fun to tell my team for everyone to pick the same class. [Insert Class Name Here] rushes are fun :lol: .
    Last edited: April 10, 2011
  6. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Snipers an Assaults are all I ever see.
  7. Tigerhawk71

    Tigerhawk71 Member

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    I appreciate the field being full of slow-moving players. Really juxtaposes nicely with the insane ground-covering ability of the assassin. Just a pity that tanks and gunners are so powerful versus the lighter classes now that they've all had a nerf or two each. I think it's time for a round of heavy class balance changes.
  8. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    Is the tank the last untouched from the 'OMG SO OVERPOWERED' era?

    If there's one thing I have to say, the tank's Charge should have less of a dizzy time or cut down the knock out range. And for all the tanks about to complain about how essential both are, I play assault. You can't say jack to me for a least two updates.
  9. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Funny because just yesterday I got out of the most retarded idiotic game I have ever played.

    6 Assaults on the enemy team (my team had only 2 Tanks and 4 of various others).
    Apparently Assault has not been nerfed enough, based on the way that game went.

    L. Spiro
  10. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    This needs to be cut. FROM EVERYTHING. Getting "Dizzy" is like putting a giant "free money" note on your forehead.
  11. Dragon-Guard

    Dragon-Guard New Member

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    should have all went heavies, they prettymuch dominate in great numbers, but the same is true for assaults if they hunt in packs, or supports, or (good) sins, try dealing with a constant stream of firebases and backstabs.

    tbh vs 6 assaults u could ahve used more supports or more heavies, or go more,better assaults yourself.

    Saying the assault hasn't been nerfed enough is just rubish, as someone who played the assault from time to time i can tell you its a HUGE difference from what it was before, esp the charge which screws me over still with the new cooldown from time to time.

    As a sidenote, assaults hunting in packs can beat anything, but try having a good tank/assault, support/assault or sins/assault combo, all 3 work just as well.

    As for the tanks charge, to me its pretty funny how a large slow man has the fastest charge in the game, beating the more slim and more athletic assault in cooldown time (just watching it from a more realistic side here), on top of that his charge is superior is strength and effect, imo knockdown with 10hp left > then trowing someone outside of your reach with 10hp left, all while both can ringout easily enough.

    so what kinda bugs me about heavies is just how unkillable they are compared to other classes, you either ring them out somehow or catch them offgaurd/on low health or theres now way to finish them off.
    The tank just rapes anything ingame, from bots to turrets AND pro's, i would say this is a bit to much for 1 class, all others excel in 1 or 2 of them but not all 3.
    IMO the tank vs bots and turrets is fune, maybe vs turrets is even a bit to much atm, seams more of a gunner job to me, but his pro killing abilities are a bit over the top, all he has to do is charge in (stun) and faceburn everything with his jetgun, this pretty much kills any class of in a second except for another heavy, even if you try to run (which is only possible for the assault at this point, the support is f*ck, the sin pretty much dies from the burning and initial attack anyway. Leaving the assault, if he has his charge up he might have a chance but across the field the tank will catch up anyway because of his faster charge and only needs the tip of his gun to keep the fire burning away those few last healthpoints. (i believe bronze speed makes him as fast as an assault as well)

    As for the gunner, he has the same "halfgod" problem with his hp, + bringing the fact that anything infront of his minigun dies like its not even there after the armor nerf, even across the map with some decent acc. endorcements.
    Other then his hp and his overly accurate gunfire (only really an issue after the armor nerf) i would say the gunner is pretty much fine skillwise.
  12. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Jump-jet nerf was huge for Heavies.
  13. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Not really affecting me.

    Only thing that really annoys me about the tank is that his charge persists through death which is bullshit.
  14. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    It works the other way around as well.
  15. blg

    blg New Member

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    I think a longer cool down for tanks charge is all that is needed. He seems to be able to spam charge pretty quickly to negate his slow speed. Other than that heavy classes seems completely fine. Light classes can 1 hit kill heavy classes. Heavy Classes can multiple hit kill light classes. Seems like balance works.
  16. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    • Play console version.
    • Be able to fly around the level extremely quickly and easily, sneaking up on people and generally being a badass.
    • Return to PC version.
    • Question existence of a loving God.

    Also, fixed that for you.
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Not really, you know, heavy and rather slow as they should be right?

    Damn console gamers. Man up son.
  18. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    omg us sound liek a sony fanboy u noob

    Whether it was in character or not, it's still a nerf.
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    It's a nerf that makes sense.
  20. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Point is, people seem to think the heavies haven't felt the delicate caress of the velvet nerfglove. They are wrong.

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