Tank is the most overpowered class

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sephisticated, January 13, 2011.

  1. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    Skill/health regen

    Moblity: Charge+tank jumps+jetpack+speed pickups=fast movement across the map
    Turrets: takes down turrets extremely fast and can product nade them
    Moneyball: can almost take down the moneyball BY HIMSELF with deploy 3+juice
    Bots: Kills them instantly with death blossom, or jet guns them for juice, or rail guns them from afar, product nades thems, OR charges them.
    Juice: Jet gunning bots and then picking up juice+ lazer blazer deploy
    Armor: most health in the game
    Passive: clutch passives give instant health regen twice
    Rail gun: kills extremely fast, and takes out any big target easily and smaller targets(with a little skill)
    Charge: Stuns targets and is almost an instant ring out, clean up with jet gun for an easy kill
    Product nade: slow down turrets,bots, and blinds pros. also does a ton of damage with level 3
    Deploy: gets juice fast, health regen instantly, and using it on spunky, you can spawn kill people INSIDE their spawn
    Death blossom: tons of damge instantly in a 360 radius, instant kill to allmost every class when juiced


    however this is only if you are a good tank. Tank skill gap is arguably the biggest in the game. But,if you are a good tank, they are the best class in the game.
    Last edited: January 13, 2011
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I agree to a certain extend. A good tank player can make it seem overpowered. But a good Assault can take down a good tank with relative ease. The Charge 3 is extremely cheap in my opinion. Does hella damage and then they can't move, so if your not a tank and you get hit, you're dead. Everyone knows this and accepts it though. First rule, don't get too close to a tank.
  3. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    a good rail gun and product nade= dead assault.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "Don't pet a burning dog."

    Every class is "overpowered" when played good.
  5. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Sounds like someone got their *** rung out by a Charge 3

  6. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    But tank is the most. Did you not see all that I listed above?
    Not really, I was just playng tank all day yesterday and realized this.

    Also in case anyone doesnt know, If you deploy against the front door on spunky you can see into the spawn. You can also jet gun INTO the spawn and if you have juice you kill them instantly :)
  7. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  8. MagnumVeritan

    MagnumVeritan New Member

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    Awesome thread bro! And I agree, the search feature or just reading in other sections is for losers! Who cares if the topic for what class one feels is overpowered is stickied and thus the first thing you come across if you bother to go to the right section. I mean that's a whole mouse click away!

    And the wealth of information you gave us is enlightening. Never before did I believe all the other posts and guides about the tank and his abilities. The in game tooltip for charge 3 knocking people down always seemed suspicious til now! The emphasis on how well he destroys things with juice really opened my eyes. I never knew juice made you more powerful.

    And who cares that you can make almost identical lists of the strengths of all the other classes just in differing areas. Its the tank who's the most OP. Those 133 other people who weighed in on the thread for this who have the assault, sniper, and assassin marked as being the most OP are stupid stupidheads.

    All sarcasm aside, is this a complaint? Are you trying to teach people how to use the tank? Is it just bragging about your 1337 skillz?

    The OP is far from the first to do this but holy cow I feel like someone is playing a trick on me most days when I come to this forum. It is like so many folks are trying to do things the opposite of what makes sense I'm starting to wonder if I'm just crazy.
  9. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    Nice essay full of sarcasm and proving nothing.

    Tank does everything and has a plethora of skills to help him.

    Ian the why u mad pic pls
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I don't know if this means anything but seeing the pic Ian posted inspired me to make it MNC related so here you go.

  11. Miracle

    Miracle New Member

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    Correct, if tank is played correctly it is stupid unfair, no bad matchups. But so far ive only seen Shammas play the tank to its potential no one else is close.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Oh there you go again with that stuffs...
  13. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Tanks kill turrets fast? I think not. Even an assassin does it faster. Gunner is fastest AND can do it from halfway across the map.

    Tanks kill bots fast? Sure, but an assassin can do it almost as quick AND get tons of juice out of it.

    Tanks kill pros fast? Maybe, but Assassins can instako, Gunners can kill you after they get red health and turns around (assuming already pre-spun)

    Tanks kill moneyball fast? Sure, but a Support can do it just as fast.

    I'm guessing this thread is nothing but flaming. Good work for confusing me.
  14. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Tank is a VERY powerful class (High health, Good mobility, Good long/close range weapons) and VERY forgiving for the same reasons.

    Overpowered? No.

    Powerful? Yes.

    Easy to counter? Kinda. If you stay midrange you have the tank beat. Also, the more you move the less likely they will hit you with the slow product grenade. Finally, most every class has a way to keep the Tank at midrange. Use your abilities to keep the tank at a manageable distance. Never let them get close. If they are too far away, come at them from a better angle. etc. etc.

    Right now there are no overpowered classes. Just overpowered players/teams.
  15. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    rail gun>your midrange encounters

    nice try though
  16. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    From my experience that is not true. The Railgun is horrible midrange. Assault and Gunner both CHEW the Tank to pieces at midrange. Assassins should just stay away from a tank anyways and the sniper has the tank beat at long range. Finally the Support shotgun owns the Tank close range.

    Know your ranges and where you are weak and where you are strong. The Tank can be dealt with but unlike the Assassin, Tanks can make mistakes and still be ok. This makes them feel overpowered, when in reality they are just a little more forgiving than other classes.
  17. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    You havent played a good tank, you can start hitting EVERY shot with the rail gun. ESPECIALLY on lol gunners. I guess the only class that would be hard to take out would be assault but then again you can do plenty of things to kill him.
  18. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    Suck it.
  19. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    The Railgun? A viable midrange weapon? HA. Maybe if you're opponent doesn't know what they're doing or are severely injured.

    In midrange battles:

    • Railgun vs Minigun - Railgun loses
      Railgun vs Assault Rifle - Railgun loses
      Railgun vs Shotgun - Railgun loses
      Railgun vs Firebase - Railgun loses
      Railgun vs Uzi + Flak - Railgun loses
      Railgun vs Ice Trap + Headshot - Railgun loses

    As you can see, there are solutions for every other class to take down a Rail Tank from midrange (other than Assassins, unless they are godlike with shuriken). LONG RANGE is where the Railgun is helpful.

    Tanks may be hard to kill, yes, but that's why they're given the highest health in the game. They're meant to be a defensive class. Plus, the learning curve to playing a good tank is HIGH. Playing against pubs, Tank is easy, but
  20. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I can not believe I am getting ready to write this. Here goes:

    Then you need to get better. That hurt to write. I am sorry but its obviously true.

    I have played good tanks, but I know their weaknesses because I also sometimes play Tank. Knowing what to look for and how to maximize the weaknesses of the class helps me get Tanks out of position or myself in the best position. Its obviously not a guaranteed kill, but when you come across good players of any class its never going to be a guaranteed kill.

    Tanks are not overpowered. Maybe you just need to play as a Tank for a bit to understand their weaknesses. Once you do that, you will be able to exploit them a little more when facing off against one and win the matchups a little more often.

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