Tank Deployment and Host Migration

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by HuntingHawkeye, August 20, 2010.

  1. HuntingHawkeye

    HuntingHawkeye New Member

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    I am reporting a problem that happened to me, HuntingHawkeye, today and a previous incident that has happened.

    I was playing as a tank on Grenade III, and roughly 20-6 when the host left and the game told me it was migrating host. But when the screen came back on I was a totally different guy. I appeared on a different bridge than I was originally on, had changed to the other team, and was suddenly an assult guy with full upgrades. Obviously that wasn't supposed to happen.

    Another time, I was a tank on Lazorrazor and I deployed close to a jump pad. For some reason, the jump pad shot me up in the air and I was stuck on he jump pad infinitly jumping down. I appeared not to be deployed but I was because my skill icon told me I was and I had never undeployed. I could not undeploy while in the air and I was stuck jumping up and down until I died.
  2. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Host migration issues are being looked in to.

    The tank issue is fantastic! Adding to the list.

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