Tales of EPIC triumph

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by CosmicGreat1, January 22, 2011.

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  1. CosmicGreat1

    CosmicGreat1 New Member

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    Have you ever done something on a team that was getting stomped that was so ballz out successful it turned the tide of the match? Post your tales of Epic Here!
  2. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    i dont know.. i do weird things daily in matches and win going negative all the time

    3-33 rings a bell

    you don't have to kill pros to win the game
    it does help though
  3. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I do it somewhat commonly as Assassin (assuming I go as that from the start). I just abandon my team to the pub-stomping while I go to work on their bots & turrets. Eventually I'll either have juice with the other players being the only real targets or our bots will just end up marching in. Once the ball is down, all I have to do is just tickle it with shurikens on a fairly consistent basis.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    lets say what if you were getting stomped, what would you do?

    i often asked myself this. i came up with a plan, requiring a team (people playing but not working together a team does not make)

    once the enemy starts spawncamping you, everybody on your team quickly switch to assassins, except one tank and one sniper.

    the tank suicides out the door, trys to deathblossom bots before dying, time after time like some kind of suicidal group of lemmings. the sniper tries to fight it out, keeping the pros entertained.

    the four assassins slip out the other side of the spawn, unnoticed, and do not engage any enemies. go straight for the bot lanes, push a group of your bots to their base, smokebomb and slash turrets as a group (4 daggers on 1 turret), and once the ball is dropped juice on the ball.

    id love for my team to join a group of randies, one of us each class, and not leave the spawn until they are at our doors. then we could try this out, wouldnt it be epic? next time i play, next time i play...

    maybe someone else should try it out too.

    oh, on a side note, i hope they do put a moneyball shield change so i never have to hear anyone talk about "tickling balls" again... -> :| <-
  5. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    Was i the upper middle ring on steel pick, when a sneaky beaver tank escaped from the spawn and lifted up the right side. headshot ensued, he lived due to the nifty armour :shock: but not before he/she released some stickers, horribly. missed me by about four feet. the dam thing bounces off the glass and owns his face, :lol: I didnt even get the kill and was laughing so hard I had to ragequit.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    So I was playing support on Lazer Razor and we were five minutes into the game. I was looking for an opening in their defenses, but I couldn't find any. I began to gather juice through meleeing bots and setting up firebases in high-traffic areas. After I gathered juice, I noticed that an enemy support had a just upgraded a turret to a lvl 3 Rocket turret and there was a friendly assassin who was about to smoke bomb it. The area around this turret was pretty well guarded, so I ran 3/4 of the way to this just-upgraded enemy lvl 3 rocket turret, juiced next to it, and then hacked it while I was juiced. The assassin smoke bombed it and ran off. After I hacked it, it was game over for the enemy. I got 3 kills immediately and it just ate up their bots. I ended the game with
    14-23-3. Talk about hilarious.......
  7. BamBam11

    BamBam11 New Member

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    I was a tank on spunky the game was close with both balls down to little health
    Overtime hits we've got a juiced assassin on our ball, I see the other teams ball line start to flash and the assassin shuirkens our ball, I jump in front of the shurkens and die as I see the you win sign. It was AWESOME
  8. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    Joined a game once with 3 supports on enemy team, my team losing already. Chose the support, upgraded air strike to 3 as soon as possible. Took out all the turrets, chased away the pros (good 'ol shotgun haha), put my firebase in their spawnpoint (for being douches and having theirs near ours) and basically, they were trapped, we pushed the bots and BAM! Game won because all their firebases were taken down by my airstrikes and somebody had switched to a tank to take out the bots. I felt so awesome after that :cool:
  9. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Fighting back with the dude, against Seph and F5in after joining late. Our turrets were down and teammates were getting stomped. Me and Dude waited till we had our minimal build, pushed out, took control, got the ball down, won. Neither me or Dude died, combined 14-0

    Had a good game against miracle chron mclovin and shammas, went 31-10 with them having map control most of the time, me and the dude got our ball back up after it getting weak, won in overtime I think. Dude outratioed me(for once<3lulzz)

    My 94-0 game. Still can't believe I did it. Thnx Petuliacat, I <3 you
  10. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Deadeye, I'm better than you.

    Proof: You're on my D constantly, I don't think you can go a day without making a post about me. LuLz
  11. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Lolwut? This thread is about triumphs, I triumphed over you. Please stop trolling me kid.
  12. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Deadeye, it's perfectly okay that you can't kill me without juice then pop a mini-boner when you juice on me. don't worry, you'll get better some day. All that Shadowrun can't have been for nothing right? LuLz
  13. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    I'm better at Gunner, Tank, Assassin, and Support, than you are at ANYTHING. Please get off my nuts, the fact that you're even trying to troll me when my gunner made you and 4 friends rage quit when you were trying to pub stomp.. Is hilarious. Please go away now troll.
  14. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Deadeye man I said it's ok... you can run from me back into your base of hacked turrets and a Support healing you when you don't have juice all you want, I understand you need a little "help". LuLz
  15. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Randy vs Randy 2k11. Who's ego is more bulbous?
  16. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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  17. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    Them. And only them.
  18. IPUR3 EVIL

    IPUR3 EVIL New Member

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  19. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Him, and only him. It wasn't really too much of a victory for me, it was actually a little easy.
  20. S I G IVI A R

    S I G IVI A R New Member

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    Joined a game with few friends, who were getting SLAPPED by organous and his crew of.. bad players, and i won the game for them, 40-?-under 10 deaths on grenade 3,c ace c was on the other team, and heard them calling me cheaters.
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