Hey guys. Just wanted to give the community a heads up: I recently decided to withdraw from law school to pursue a more immediate career in a better location, and to spend more time with the (non xbl) people that I love. I'll be moving, and it might be awhile before I have access to xbl (or it could be very quickly). I'll still be on the forums and still be involved with the community as much as I can. The Survivitol Brawl starts tomorrow and I'll still be handling the threads for that, though I likely will remove myself from the competition. Thanks everyone for making this community what it is, and thanks to all of the wonderful new people I've had an opportunity to play with due to this game. With luck, I'll have access (and time) to play with you all again in the (hopefully immediate) future. CALL NOW TO ORDER! *Billy Mays Face*
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO PRODUCT PLACEMENT?!?!
Good. Now I won't have to keep buying Goo-Be-Gone to get those damn stickers of my screen. Seriously, good luck man. That's a huge decision and I hope everything works out for you.
Seems like someone's getting on the ball. (lulz, couldn't resist) Upside: Less/No stickerz to annoy me, no need to fear Tanks, laugh at Jet Gun. Downside: Losing a phenomenal team member. Downside > Upsides. You shall be missed, Hudson. And here I wanted to write [x3] on my signature after the tourney.
well aparently my computer is just as upset as i am about you leaving becuase i just tried to post on this and it gave me a diagnoses prblm. yeeeeeeeee back on topic. this sounds very familier. i wish you the best of luck man we all love you and will truly miss you. hopefully u will return before this time next year as i will be taken my leave of absence. goodluck im sure you and your billy mays sound board will do fine.
Almost makes me feel bad about going to law school next year, especially given how much I play video games... Where do (did) you go to law school, anyway? I'm either going to someplace in South Florida or LSU, but I need to finish my pre-law credits in undergrad first.
noooooo huuuddsooonnnn We gonna miss you in your absence bro. Hope all the best for you in your endeavor.
Update: I'll be home this weekend. I might be on sporadically. The big break from XBL will probably come around Monday or Tuesday of next week. Depends on where I end up living in the next few weeks or so. This means I'll probably be on long enough to get melee killed. Go nuts.
BILLY MAYS HERE WITH THE TEA O MATIC 5000 silly kids on the fourms makeing you spit your tea all over? well here it is folks. this powder made from the dirt you walk on will soak anything up. EVEN THE PEE IN YOUR CLOSET. just look at this comparison between the TEA O MATIC 5000 and cat litter. WOW call now and well even included these special seeds that you can place in the dirt and grow sh1t. ITS THAT EASY