System Editor/Orbital maneuvers

Discussion in 'Support!' started by kryovow, March 21, 2014.

  1. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    Planets can still be placed too close to each other, resulting in impossibility to change planets with orbital units/nukes
    SolitaryCheese likes this.
  2. SolitaryCheese

    SolitaryCheese Post Master General

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    I thought I'd like to bring this up, as it is a rather irritating problem, that wrecks a lot of games.

    This usually happens when two planets are too close to each-other's orbital layer, and the orbital movement circle thingy is are no longer two circles connected together, but two separate arches. I hope that made sense.

    Nevertheless, this is already in the bug tracker, but I thought it would deserve some attention.

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