Is it just me or when making planets in the system editor does it feel like a chore? I spend a lot of time generating planets around the sizes that I want/like along with adjusting the resources on them. I feel that I spend time guessing the sizes that I want and then I need to load into a game to place a factory to judge how well I guessed the size. After that I spend a lot of time adjusting the resources on a planet before I get one to where I like, and I feel that the only real way to know how good I did is once again to load the planet. The whole point is that I think that the ability to place a factory in the planet editor to judge the size of the planet vs an actual building would save time from loading into a game t0o do it. Maybe I am just very picky but it seems like it would not be to big a deal to allow me to use a reference structure in the planet editor. Also I do not know if it is me, but metal spots in the planet editor do not seem to show up. Is there a way to make them or do I not have the ability to see them in the editor before loading an actual game? If they are missing I would like to be able to add them so I do not have to continue to load games to judge my planets.
Try to remember different radius(es?) for different situations and players. Have 10 players starting on one planet? Maybe do an 800 - 900 radius. Have a moon? Maybe 300 would fit. 1-Halley body? Make it smaller than 300. Have a 6p starting planet, make it 600 or whatever. If you know how many players are supposed to play on the planet, try to work out a fitting radius. The generator will do the rest. For metal: just work with the numbers, it WILL work in the end. No need for jumping into the system to check every square-meter of the planet.