[system editor] issues with spawns? (how to fix them)

Discussion in 'Mapping and stuff' started by grandhomie, May 29, 2018.

  1. grandhomie

    grandhomie Active Member

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    Spawns assignment
    Spawns are assigned in the order of the lobby (1st spawn you place will go to the player in the 1st slot in the lobby, etc).

    Common issue #1:

    When placing a spawn on one side of the planet, another spawn is automatically created on the other side of the planet, causing issues for team games spawns (if you meant to do a north against south map, team 1 would end up with 3 players in the north and 2 in the south, opposite for team 1).

    Never set "symmetrical spawns" when you create your systems, you will have to place all the spawns yourself but at least players will spawn where you expect them to.
    If you're already in advanced edit mode, use direct edit to unset the "LZ" value (LZ = landing zone), then redo your spawns, you'll place them all (i.e. 10 for a 10p map)

    Common issue #2:
    When making a map for more than 10 players, players don't spawn where you placed the landing zone.

    When placing the spawn in the editor, set the max value to the number of players your map supports. The default is 10, so make it 16 if you're doing an 8v8 map (16 players).
    EDIT: the default is 32 now so it shouldn't be an issue anymore.

    Screen Shot 2018-05-29 at 2.45.23 PM.png

    (min is the minimum number of players that have to play the game for this spawn to be available - I usually leave it to 2)

    If you want to edit the "max" values in a map that you already have exported and you don't want to re-import, re-export, just open the map in a text editor and edit the text: search for "landing zones" and replace "max": 10 with "max": 16 for instance:

    "landing_zones": {
    "rules": [
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2
    "max": 10,
    "min": 2

    At the top of the .pas file, you also may include a "players" array to indicate in the lobby how many players your map supports:

    Ex: this map is recommended for 8 to 16 players:
    "name": "cool map name",
    "description":"some 16 players map",
    "creator":"Grand Homie",
    "players":[8, 16],
    "planets": [
    Last edited: May 19, 2020

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