I started playing galactic wars on my new mac and gained a loadout but the games doesn't work too well on mac so I now mostly play on an older windows machine. But I had to restart from scratch. If the game is going to need to be connected to a server even for solo play I would expect it to be able to synch my progression over multiple computers. I intend to install a linux to test it over linux too.
The server connection is only required because of PA's Pre-Release nature. I don't know for sure but I imagine all the info for GW is still stored locally and when you connect with a server to start a battle your machine sends the server all the relevant info so there might be a way to transfer it but I can't say for sure. Mike
GW info is locally stored like the settings. I dunno where the file is on OSX, but on windows this directory seems to store the settings of PA: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\localstore I've reinstalled my windows a few week ago and had backed up the whole %LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment and that worked as expected. Dunno if moving such files from OSX to Windows would work as well, but I can't see why not.
I haven't tested this, but it's worth a try. Back up the localstore folder that @cola_colin showed you in case you break something. Set up Dropbox on both computers. Copy the localstore folder into Dropbox, then create a symlink to the dropbox folder on each machine you want to link together.
well since replays are to act as saves, perhaps the idea is that you could accomplish this through replays (as an extra to simply copying the files over)??