SXD24's Endorsements Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, December 13, 2010.

  1. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Alright, so there's been a lot of threads about custom builds, how to use them, why you need Gold X and Silver Y, blah blah blah. This thread is to centralize all those, and feedback is very welcome. I just want to see what everyone thinks is best, and if you have any recommendations, feel free to let me know.

    The order in which I put the endorsements is based entirely on how useful I find them. If you disagree with a valid argument, then I'll be happy to move it.

    Protip: Bronze Juice is the worst endorsement you could ever use. Please, PLEASE don't use it, unless you want to boost the opposing team's kills. As such, when writing this guide, whenever I mention Juice, assume I mean Gold or Silver.


    • Armor
      • Assassins benefit significantly from upgraded armor, as they are practically paper thin. Definitely a skill you want to put in the Gold or Silver endorsement, because you're GOING to need it. No Assassin is going to tell you otherwise. Plus, you know how frustrating it is dying by bot lazers? Yeah, you don't want to find out.

    • Rate of Fire
      • The next best thing in the Assassin's endorsement arsenal is Rate of Fire. The increased amount of slashes will help cut down pros in a flash, and your faster Shuriken will tear through deployed Gunners and Tanks with ease. Not as necessary as Armor, but definitely a good endorsement to run.

    • Health Recovery
      • As stated before, the Assassin is paper thin. Therefore, in order for her to get right back into the action after taking a bit of damage, increased health recovery is a great endorsement. Probably not worth the Gold slot, but definitely very useful.

    • Skill Recovery
      • For those Assassins always hidden and on the run, Skill recovery helps get those much needed skills up in a jiffy. Recommended early game, but not as useful when skills are in their higher levels.

    • Critical Shot
      • Increased critical damage + increased occurrence of critical shots + Cloak 3 makes the Shuriken quite useful. Only recommended for those that know how to use Shuriken effectively, though, as it will have little to no use to Assassins that main Katana or repeatedly Grapple.

    • Speed
      • The endorsement less chosen, as you already have a dash and lunge, but still very useful for those hit-and-run type Assassins. Helpful for Assassins that repeatedly grapple. Probably not worth the Gold slot, though, as Armor or Rate of Fire is a MUST.

    • Juice
      • Gold/Silver Juice can prove to be useful at the start of the game, as the Assassin Juices faster than most other classes. Despite this, the Juice perk looses its usefulness after your first Juice, as it does not provide any sort of benefit until you die. Repeatedly dying to get Juice is in no way helpful to you or your team, so use this endorsement wisely. Only recommended for early-game.

    • Clip Size
      • Recommended only if you are farming for Shuriken kills. VERY limited usefulness on any other build, as there are more important endorsements to consider.

    • Weapon Accuracy
      • Quite possibly useless, as the Shuriken are already a precise weapon. No need for increased accuracy.

    • Reload Speed
      • Quite possibly useless, as the Shuriken reload speed is the quickest in the game. No need to increase its speed.

    Recommended Assassin Classes

    • BoltAktion: Gold: Armor // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Health Recovery
    • Rev Rabies: Gold: Armor // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Skill Recovery
    • SXD24: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Health Recovery


    • Rate of Fire
      • Every Assault is going to run with Rate of Fire, and a lot of the bad ones don't. Increased fire rate on the Assault Rifle makes disposal of Pros (particularly heavy ones) a breeze, and increased fire rate on the Grenade Launcher makes for easier destruction of turrents and bots. However, the difference between gold and silver is the same (link), so it is recommended that you save your Gold slot for another endorsement.

    • Critical Shot
      • Increased critical damage + increased occurrence of critical shots + Passive 3 your AR beastly, especially with increased Rate of Fire. Melts through Pros with ease. Highly recommended by Billy Rueben and myself.

    • Armor
      • Assaults are a more mobile class, having an increase jump height, fly, charge, and a decent base speed, so armor is less of a priority on him as it is on other pros. Having that extra bit of armor is helpful for fighting on the front-lines, though, so utilize it to your advantage.

    • Weapon Accuracy
      • Weapon accuracy is an extreme benefit to the Assault rifle, as you won't have to stand still and aim half of the time. A great endorsement for the Bronze or Silver slots.

    • Skill Recovery
      • The Assault's Charge and Bomb are two very useful tools to utilize in combat, and always having them ready for combat is essential. Thus, an Assault can always benefit from a speedier Skill Recovery.

    • Clip Size
      • Very helpful in those 1v1 situations, as having that extra amount of bullets to take down enemy Pros can make or break whether or not you survive. Limited usefulness against bots, though.

    • Health Recovery
      • The Assault is a fairly mobile class, so escaping the fray with a fraction of health is fairly easy for him to pull off compared to other classes. Faster health recovery helps him get back into the fight faster, but has limited use compared to all the other great endorsements he has at his disposal. Probably recommended for the Bronze slot.

    • Speed
      • Much like the Assassin, the Assault is very mobile without speed, but can still benefit from the perks of having it increased. Usually taken in place of Armor, and useful for those hit-and-run type Assaults.

    • Juice
      • Juice is not as great of a perk for the Assault, as his Juice gain speed is crawling compared to other classes, and it wastes a perfectly good Gold or Silver slot that could be used for more important endorsements. Not recommended.

    • Reload Speed
      • Quite possibly useless, as the AR's reload is rather fast. No need to increase its speed.

    Recommended Assault Classes

    • Billy Rueben: Gold: Criticals // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Clip Size
    • OfficerFuttBuck: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Accuracy // Bronze: Clip Size
    • SHS Tiger: Gold: Armor // Silver: Accuracy// Bronze: Crit/RoF
    • Teo: Gold: Armor // Silver: Rate of Fire// Bronze: Accuracy
    • SXD24: Gold: Armor // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Skill Recovery
      • Alt: Gold: Criticals // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Accuracy


    • Rate of Fire
      • Any Gunner that does not run Rate of Fire, even as a Bronze endorsement, is wrong. Faster mortars, faster kills, and no competition against other pros, even when 6v1. Most recommended for Gunner.

    • Armor
      • Armor, although not necessarily needed, is useful, as the Gunner is one of the two bigger targets. Gives the upper hand in tough 1v1 fights.

    • Weapon Accuracy
      • I wouldn't use it, but lDeadeye runs it as his Gold endorsement, so I'm not going to even argue against using it. Keeps your bullets in a nice, straight line and deploy practically makes it a fully-automatic Rail Gun.

    • Critical Shot
      • Increased critical damage + increased occurrence of critical shots + Deploy 2/3 KILLS. No one is ever going to give you trouble using crits, maybe except a competent sniper or lDeadeye. Only quick-deploy, though, as any sniper seeing you stay in place for too long is gonna take your head clean off.

    • Speed
      • Gunner is the slowest class in the game, and everyone knows it, so it's reasonable to run with a Speed upgrade compared to other classes. Since the gunner gets a lot of kills, however, Speed pickups will be plentiful, so this has limited use. Still fairly helpful, though.

    • Reload Speed
      • The Gunner's reload speed is crawling, and reloading in the middle of combat is basically like getting pantsed during a relay race - it's more than likely you're going to lose if it happens.

    • Health Recovery
      • Along with reload speed, his Health Recovery rate is pretty shxtty, too. Getting back into the game after taking massive amounts of damage is crucial, so Health Recovery is a fairly useful alternative to the lesser-used endorsements.

    • Clip Size
      • More bullets = less time spent reloading = more kills. Simple as that.

    • Skill Recovery
      • Although you won't be relying on your skills too often, should you need to, Skill Recovery will get that Slam and Gunner Grapple up in a flash.

    • Juice
      • No. Just... no.

    Recommended Gunner Classes

    • lDeadeye: Gold: Accuracy // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Rate of Fire
    • OfficerFuttBuck: Gold: Armor // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Accuracy
      • Alt: Gold: Accuracy // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Whatever you want
    • SXD24: Gold: Criticals // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Rate of Fire
    Last edited: January 7, 2011
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    • Armor
      • Absolutely essential for a Sniper, as you'll end up dying from a Tank/Assault charge, Assassin frontstab, or a brief gust of wind. A Gold or Silver Armor endorsement is highly recommended.

    • Rate of Fire
      • Although not necessary, it is crucial to eliminate enemy bots, pros, and Firebases as quick as possible. To do so, a higher Rate of Fire is also highly recommended. A Gold or Silver endorsement is recommended for this one.

    • Skill Recovery
      • A great Sniper makes use of all his tools, and having that extra Flak, Ice Trap, and Grapple ready could mean the difference between life and death. Recommended for a bronze endorsement.

    • Clip Size
      • Having those extra few bullets can make or break killing a turrent before a Support heals it or getting killed by an incoming Pro, and also makes your Juice rushes that much more deadly. Recommended as a bronze slot endorsement.

    • Weapon Accuracy
      • Makes quick-scoping a bit easier, which can really up your game, and helps keep those SMG bullets in line. However, it often isn't utilized as an endorsement, as there are many more endorsements that outshine it. Useful in any slot, but recommended for bronze.

    • Reload Speed
      • Both of the Sniper's reload speeds are not slow in the slightest, so this endorsement isn't really that useful unless in intensely-close 1v1 situations. If you want to make use of this endorsement, the bronze slot is recommended.

    • Speed
      • Sniper's don't tend to be hit-and run, so you'll be making very little of this endorsement, even if you have it. Armor is a billion times more useful.

    • Critical Shot
      • Very useful when Juiced, but entirely situational. Unless you're Juicing every 5 seconds, this endorsement is not recommended.

    • Health Recovery
      • You have little health to regen, and it regens quickly, so there's little-to-no need for this endorsement.

    • Juice
      • You really don't need Juice, as you gain Juice quick enough without it, ESPECIALLY with explosive shots. Considering all the other endorsements you can use, the priority on using this one is dead last.

    Recommended Sniper Classes

    • PohTayToez/SXD24: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Skill Recovery
    • Grec/Unic0rnSunshine: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Clip Size
    • Billy Rueben: Gold: Skill Recovery // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Rate of Fire


    • Rate of Fire
      • I was ahead of the ball in saying this was the most important endorsement prior to the 2 patches, and it still remains to be the most important to date. Your heal/hurt ability is upped by a Rate of Fire increase, and your Shotgun pretty much sucks without it. This is HIGHLY recommended as either a Gold or Silver endorsement - NOTHING LESS.

    • Skill Recovery
      • Your skills are invaluable as a Support, so running Skill Recovery is pretty much a MUST. Your skill recharge has always been, without question, the SLOWEST recharge rate of any and all classes, and that's only gotten worse after both of the patches. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for any slot.

    • Armor
      • You are fat. You are slow. You are the source of limitless health to your allies. You only fight in close range. Therefore, you are an easy target. Make yourself a harder target to kill by adding an armor endorsement in there. Recommended for any slot.

    • Speed
      • Supports are fat and slow, have no mobility skills, no jump jets, and kills are more rare for this class than any other. Therefore, running a Speed endorsement might not be too bad of an endorsement. However, it is normally outshone by anyone running the three endorsements prior to this one.

    • Critical Shot
      • Very useful when Juiced, and makes Critting with the Heal/Hurt more likely, which can really help you out. However, it's all luck and entirely situational, and is usually outshone by a higher Rate of Fire endorsement.

    • Health Recovery
      • You have your own method of health regen, as well as an upgradable passive health regen, so the use of this is really limited.

    • Juice
      • Somewhat helpful, as the Juice gain rate for Support healing has been nerfed pretty bad (although it was well deserved). However, its usefulness is out the window the first time you Juice, and is practically useless if your team is getting trampled, so the use of this is really limited.

    • Clip Size
      • You only have a clip for one weapon, and you won't need too many shots to kill anything. You don't need this endorsement.

    • Reload Speed
      • You only have to reload for one weapon, and it's stupid fast as it is. You don't need this endorsement.

    • Weapon Accuracy

    Recommended Support Classes

    • SXD24: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Skill Recovery
      • Alt: Gold: Skill Recovery // Silver: Rate of Fire // Bronze: Armor
    • OfficerFuttBuck: Gold: Skill Recovery // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Rate of Fire


    • Armor
      • Fatty McFat may be able to take a lot of bullets, but since you're such a huge, fat, slooooooow target, maybe your fat *** could use that extra bit of armor. Recommended for any slot.

    • Skill Recovery
      • A good Tank always makes use of his skills, and having that extra Product Grenade or Charge available can really turn fights and lane pushing easily in your favor. Recommended for any slot.

    • Rate of Fire
      • Turns your Rail Gun from useless to an actual weapon, and maximizes Jet Gun DPS when Reload Speed is upgraded.Recommended as a Gold or Silver slot.

    • Speed
      • You have little mobility options other than Charge, so permanently upgrading your speed might be a good idea. Helps keep up with other Pros, as well as switch from lane to lane. Recommended as a Gold or Silver slot.

    • Reload Speed
      • Keeps your Death Blossom always active, which can prove fatal for your opponents. Recommended for any slot.

    • Health Recovery
      • Although you can permanently upgrade your Health Recovery via skills (Passive and Deploy 2), you have a lot of health to regen, so getting back in the game become rather difficult. Health regen is often underrated as a Tank endorsement, as there are plenty of other ones to consider, but a good one nonetheless. Recommended for any slot.

    • Critical Shot
      • Although based on pure luck, Criticals make your Jet Gun fierce, even without a Rate of Fire upgrade. Recommended for a Gold slot, to maximize your chances at increased DPS.

    • Clip Size
      • Useful for using your Jet Gun while still having some fuel to blow to a powerful Death Blossom, as well as taking out turrents with ease. Recommended for any slot.

    • Weapon Accuracy
      • Not that great of an endorsement, as it does not do anything to the Jet Gun, and your Rail Gun's accuracy is already pretty good. It's been said, however, that even a Bronze endorsement helps to counter the lag the Rail Gun faces in laggy matches, although that is entirely situational.

    • Juice
      • You have the fastest possible way to build Juice, and as stated before, your benefits from running Juice as an endorsement are always gone after the first time you Juice. Not recommended.

    Recommended Tank Classes

    • SXD24: Gold: Rate of Fire // Silver: Armor // Bronze: (Reload Speed|Skill Recovery)
    • Im Hudson: Gold: Speed // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Skill Recovery
    • DeadStretch: Gold: (Health Recovery|Clip Size|Criticals) // Silver: Armor // Bronze: Skill Recovery
    Last edited: January 8, 2011
  3. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't use Rate of Fire on an Assassin, haha.

    Well, I have Gold RoF on my Blitz Assassin (which I'll rarely use at the beginning of a Crossfire match and switch later), but beyond that, that's it.

    So far though, I like what I see. I look forward to what you recommend for Support and Sniper, for no apparent reason.
  4. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    i'm curious syd, whats your build?
  5. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I've only told you a billion times, Rev. Bahaha.
    I'll PM it to you.

    Anyone else will just have to die at my hands. :D
  6. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Crit gold on the sword/katana makes a juiced assassin a nightmare.
  7. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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  8. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    I'll handle the support.

    Gold: armor
    Silver: get that shotgun out
    Bronze: pull host.

    Welcome to profittown yo please enjoy one shotting 2/3rds of the classes.

    Serious post its armor, rate, skill but that's just my personal opinion.
  9. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    Double fixed
  10. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Triple fixed! Haha~
  11. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Aww,guess I'll never get to know. :lol:
  12. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Crit's don't affect the blade if i recall.

    And syd, we haven't played much in forever, how would i remember? that and you rarely kill me, we're both some of the most elusive assassins out there ;D
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i feel like im the only person who doesnt use armor a lot of the time. cmon, not necesary if you capitalize on sure targets and ranged combat.

    simply put, you dont need armor at all if your not in range of bot attacks and in a place uncommon to find enemy pros. wreck turrets and stationary unsuspecting pros from there, using your superior firepower from your endorsements. in which case, i use gold rate, silver reload, and bronze criticals.
  14. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Pshaw, Teo.

    I've offed you before.
    It took a lot of effort but I did it! Bahaha~

    And true enough, Rev. Even when we DO play together, 98.3412081% of the time we're on the same team.
  15. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    I cant remember. Try again. Muhahaha. :mrgreen:
  16. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Bro, you're hilarious.

    syd, i think we weren't on the same team like once, and the only kill eitherof us got on the other was me meleeing you ;D
  17. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    hey, i officially made myself part of team oxyteam now. how you ask? well, i was in a game with rev and he kicked me from the party and didnt let me back in. so when we got on the same team, i changed my club tag to OXY like he had, and then got mvp that game and made sigmar leave and won the game while rev was second. thus, i made OXY look good to everyone in that game, seeing me and rev with OXY tags in first place, so im at least an honorary member :)
    Last edited: December 13, 2010
  18. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Bro must die.
  19. Scented Midget

    Scented Midget New Member

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    Lol and bro's bio is play the game not Team Death Match.
    I find it almost impossible to make SIGMAR leave.
    The only possible way you did that was by either juice rushing and killing him, or by juice rushing and killing 5 of his 3.3 rocket turrets.
    Other than that, Bro you don't have the capabilities to make SIGMAR quit.
  20. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Added Assault. That is all.

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