Just saw the editor in action on the stream (watched it at work... thank God for headphones and monitors that point away from the flow of traffic). It's totally badass. I'm a developer myself, back in college I had a beginner OpenGL class where I made a crappy version of a planet-and-moon generator myself. Interestingly, it had the same kind of water level and temperature (/distance from star) controls. It had only one moon, which had a Mimas texture map (which would make for a sweet map), and no bump-mapping, but you could alter the angle of rotation and revolution, which would be nice for these controls as well (tidally locked planets/moons could play quite differently that their non-locked brethren. Take our moon: it'd have a "safe" side, for establishing a hidden base and a "visible side", perfect for building huge cannons and bombarding the living daylights out of the surface...sorry, got the nerd juices going). When the system generator is in a usable state, would it be possible to release it pre-alpha? I'd like to be able to try my hand at modding it, and it'd be a helluva bone to throw we clamoring fans!
I like this idea. Sounds relatively simple to implement compared to a lot of the outlandish editor suggestions I've heard
I'm amazed how fast things are progressing. Just a couple of days ago we heard that the new UI will be js based and now we can already see it in action, deforming planets and controlling biomes! Makes me happy to see how the bolts and nuts fit together. What makes me really happ is that you guys make it easily moddable! Who knows what can happen with an editor that can be expanded by the community as needed.
What I find the coolest is how open they are in terms of what they are doing currently and what stage they are up to. It's something I haven't really seen before in game development.
well I have seen it in spore, but I guess thats still something different. I am very happy about seeing some developing.
I can't wait to reveal the details of the terrain system. I just need to get it more finished before I feel comfortable revealing it all.
good joke :lol: No seriously the game even the system editor with all the bioms and so on, are less then 5% done