Surround Sound, Mouse Input, Demo recording and playback

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by podwhacker, December 16, 2010.

  1. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Will MNC have surround sound support?
    What type of mouse input? (raw/direct?)
    Demorecording for matches?

    Last edited: December 21, 2010
  2. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Re: Surround Sound, Mouse Input

    Bought the game, and to anyone interested:

    Direct input. No negative/positive accel. Decent input, unlike most modern games (aka BF BC2). Not all that noticeably different than quake live mouse input (raw input). There is a difference but that could also be the engine and not just the mouse input itself. Suits me and I'm fussy -- not that anyone reading this, knows me at all. BF BC2 drove me up the wall though.

    Yes to demo-recording. Although I'm not sure if it currently has it but it definitely supports it.

    The game has surround sound, good surround sound in fact.
  3. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    Re: Surround Sound, Mouse Input

    Adding onto this: This game only plays any sound what-so-ever in 5.1 surround sound. So if your like me, using headphones or just two speakers, prepare for many of the effect to only come out of the left side because your lacking a central box. Trying to play this ATM on any other sound mode doesn't seem to work.
  4. podwhacker

    podwhacker New Member

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    Re: Surround Sound, Mouse Input

    Redundant & fallacious. My original question was whether the game supported surround sound, then I stated that it does; more than likely, there will be further options for this later on.

    It's pointless pushing away potential customers because of fallacious comments that don't take into account beta. Comments like this, are what I believe to be the reason as to why beta became alpha.

    Prepare for some of the bugs to be fixed. It is far more complicated to implement surround sound where there is none than to down mix 5.1 to 4 or 2 channels. Which I'm surprised you can't do yourself out-of-game. I can actually get stereo working fine but I appreciate not everyone has the same sound card. I'm using four channel here. Five channel systems are generally poor because the centre speakers often sound slightly different. I'd rather just feed the same signal to the front two speakers... Then again, this is all very off topic. The topic wasn't about stereo and it's quite irritating for a guest to read a thread where it is completely irrelevant to the OP or out-dated (which your post probably will be fairly soon).

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