Supreme commander Killer or simple jack Tropical thunder here

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by narmohio, November 22, 2013.

  1. narmohio

    narmohio New Member

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    you don't go straight retarded remember that line from tropical thunder guys.. this game needs....
    Tier 3 units and experimentals needed guys anyone here of simple jack.... you don't go straight retarded..

    2 tiers will get old ok it just will

    we need tier 3

    remember age of empires it was about racing to get to the last tech to win with 1 unit even though they made 1000 t1 units the 300 t3 units or 1 experimental dominated thats what we need and also

    where are the shields theses are advanced state of the art engineers


    this should be a supreme commander 1 killer
    spazzdla and stormingkiwi like this.
  2. ghostflux

    ghostflux Active Member

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    Please use the search function to find similar threads that have been posted about shields, the different technology tiers and experimentals.

    Short answer, the game is a spiritual sequal to Total Annihilation and not Supreme Commander.
  3. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    400 we go again.
    stuart98, godde, LavaSnake and 5 others like this.
  4. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    The first thing i did when i read it.
    nhac, stormingkiwi and stuart98 like this.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    SupCom is far and away inferior to TA due to everything that you mentioned.

    1. There should be no unit that invalidates other units. Current stuff like leveler balance is temporary. Eventually, ants will be viable when you get levelers and other stuff like that. As opposed to SupCom, where getting T2 invalidates T1, same for T2-T3 and T3-Experimentals.
    2. Experimental units were especially bad. There should be no unit that can kill hundreds of other units in direct combat. That simply doesn't fit with the scale of the game.
    3. Shields did nothing other than allow for detrimental shield turtling and are extremely difficult to balance in ways that avoid this.

    In short, every thing you mentioned is to the detriment of SupCom and has been shot down numerous times before. Please, use the search feature in the future.
    Slamz likes this.
  6. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    It's funny because the actual line is 'Never go full retard'
    beer4blood, cptconundrum and stuart98 like this.
  7. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    You want that stuff, go play SupCom. PA is innovating.
    stormingkiwi and stuart98 like this.
  8. dinosw

    dinosw New Member

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    Supreme Commander was a poor attempt at a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation.
    I have Supreme Commander 1 and 2, and they are very boring games. The only good thing about those games is the zoom map (which have a specific name, I can't remember atm).

    Of course, PA needs a bit more units, but more will come. But I hope they will stay away from T3 units.
    I did however quite like the Krogath in TA, it was extremely powerful compared to other units, but the build time and cost were huge. It was beatable by T1 and T2 units.
    But I don't see massive units fitting into PA.

    So in conclusion.
    PA killed Sup. Com 1&2 the moment it was announced.
    Nayzablade, stuart98 and beer4blood like this.
  9. tilen

    tilen Member

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    You haven't played FAF recently, have you?
  10. tilen

    tilen Member

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    And just like that, your argument is invalid. Thank you, and have a nice day.
    cmdandy, ulight and lynxnz like this.
  11. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    How is his argument invalid when he is right?
    Stormie, stuart98 and beer4blood like this.
  12. tilen

    tilen Member

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    He might be left for all I care. He is making "objective" statements based on his feelings. I'd like to see him argue what he said with facts.
  13. plink

    plink Active Member

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    I agree, 'experimental' units just wreck the game. It's fine to have big strong units, but they need weaknesses, and should still need smaller units to accompany them. I would rather have powerful strategic units, like the soon to be added unit launcher and gate.
    stuart98 likes this.
  14. spazzdla

    spazzdla Active Member

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    I just fear it will always be a slide show with 1000+ units.
  15. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    IMO there's nothing wrong with t3 being thrown in there but they should have highly specialized at one thing and not have gigantic hp experimental are game wrecker s but then again the escalation mod has t4 and its an extremely popular mod and loads of fun......
  16. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    2- but they are very expensive and one word PERCIVAL
    3- NOOOOoooo, you need just to make some T-3 Arty, some T-3 Anti-Shields, some other things...

    Yes I like when PA will have 2 Tech Levels, is more easy to balance... but will never be too complex like FA(F).
  17. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    In FA case you could kill them w/ Air(every), or flank(but no the MK) them, or Percy them(specialy the MK), they have a Weakness,in Kroghot case, it is a Game Ender.
    P.S. I think that the MegaBot will be like a GC.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The game has special purpose unit roles divided into t2 with general necessity roles being t1.

    It will not get old for one reason. There are MULTIPLE MECHANICS planned. Instead of just build to t3 and giant robot fights, this game aims for ground and naval and air and artillery and orbital and superweapons of various types all coinciding.

    The fun is whole planetary systems, the multiple terrain (if you can call "orbital" a "terrain"), it is all horizontal diversity rather than vertical diversity. It won't be about t1 vs t2 vs t3, it will be about the vehicles vs the naval, the naval vs the artillery, the artillery vs the air, the air vs the vehicles, orbital planetary transports vs ground-based planetary transports, nukes vs orbital lasers vs kinetic asteroid crashes.

    It will be about which terrain you choose to use, and how you aim to use them to win. air, naval, or land? Win early with raids, or t2 quick and win with nukes, or t2 and instead use orbital, or start early with big armies and continue late game with big armies supported by t2 levelers/slammers/bombers/leviathans.
    Last edited: November 22, 2013
    broadsideet likes this.
  19. l3tuce

    l3tuce Active Member

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    T1 is for cheap shitty units that you can spam easily for early rushes, or protecting more expensive things.
    T2 is for expensive good units that you can use to turn the tide when your opponent is dug in.
    T3 serves no purpose except to just make T1 and 2 unnecessary. In SupCom all you did was rush T3 and then fight with your "Real" units, ignoring half the game's actual content.

    I think you are the one who is full retarded.
  20. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    T1 should be the bread and butter units that compose most of your armies. T2 should just be stuff mixed in for added effectiveness like sniper units and mobile artillery that should never compose more than 30% of your armies.
    shiwanabe and l3tuce like this.

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