Supports Healing Jackbots...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Kangarooster, April 16, 2011.

  1. Kangarooster

    Kangarooster New Member

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    Every once in a while I see a support try and heal/overheal their Jackbot. Maybe I'm just not seeing it, but does the heal gun even work on the Jackbot? I've definitely never seen one overhealed, but I laugh to myself every time I see that Italian tethered to the Jackbot, basically waiting to get his face melted.

    So can some one who mains support tell me if they are contributing anything to their team by trying to heal the jackbot or are they just offering themselves up on a skewer?
  2. MasterXC

    MasterXC New Member

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    They can heal jackbots and often do to raise their juice gauge because healing is healing no matter the target....although they're usually better suited supporting another pro in a different lane than going alone.
  3. NataVonDoom

    NataVonDoom New Member

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    I know on the 360 you can't over heal Jackbots. I've never tried on the PC, so I'll assume its the same rule : O
  4. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I use jackbots as cover and juice vendors. Placing firebases behind a jackbot under a ledge is a great way to set up a temporary forward position, and because people EASILY out dps your healgun I look at it as easy juice with extended time behind my wall of cover as a bonus.

    You can't overheal them though, so they have to have taken damage before you can get juice. Also, if players are nearby heal them over the jackbot. Healing the jackbot may be handy for easy juice, but healing players is just plain more useful.
  5. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    I lol every time I see a Support healing one of those behemoths. I have yet to see the health bar increase at all, and I've watched one heal one that was damaged but not in combat for a good ten seconds.
  6. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I know that it is impossible to over-heal JackBots, but I had assumed you could at least heal them.

    I, like Lhos, have never seen the health bar move upwards while being healed, regardless of how long the thing takes no damage.

    L. Spiro
  7. corducken

    corducken Member

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    The gradual color change is a lot easier to notice. All you're really doing is adding a couple thousand HP or so that needs to be taken off if it's not being aggressively attacked. It has 20,000 HP and with gold rate of fire you're healing about 100-120 health a second (I think there's a multiplier against jackbots so you heal much less) so a couple of supports can really add some durability.

    If your team is making a good push and you've had an assassin or quick assault take out their jackbot, it's very easy to make a good push with a jackbot when supports hang back and keep everyone and the jackbot healthy, since the jackbot's extreme health will keep most turrets distracted.
  8. Kangarooster

    Kangarooster New Member

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    So from what I understand a support healing a jackbot is either:

    A. Trying to gain juice.
    B. Using him as cover to make a push; possibly with a firebase as well.
    C. Is completely clueless and trying to overheal it.

    Appreciate all the feedback everyone. Have to say, I feel like the support can still make far better use of his/her time. Dunno, maybe that's just me.
  9. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Usually they can, healing players is flat out better than healing bots in any given situation. If, however, no one else is around then the jackbot remains a decent source of juice and an excellent pushing tool.

    Also, jackbots go down so easy that it can be nice to have a shotgun protecting them from enemy assassins. Just because you're healing the walking wall doesn't mean you can't stop for a second to fill someone with buckshot.
  10. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Supposedly the Support gets a 5x boost when healing a Jackbot, so he should be healing it at 400 health/second
  11. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Not way that's true if they have 20k health, I would have seen the bar fill by at least a few pixels.
  12. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    From personal experience, the heal gun seems to do zilch to the jackbot, but as people have mentioned, the juice gain benefit is great stuff to have. Better doing that than trying to take on the enemy's jackbot which you're pretty much useless against unless you want to waste all your airstrikes on it, or happen to have a firebase in its path - granted someone else is taking care of it already, of course.
  13. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Then maybe it's a bug
    I found this in DefaultBalance.Ini
    Wouldn't surprise me if REPAIR_BIG is a reference to the Jackbot
  14. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I think repair big is for level 3 turrets. Look at how quickly you can heal up/overheal a level 3 rocket or shave ice (13,000hp and 15,000hp respectively.) then compare it to how long it takes to heal up a Jackbot (20,000 hp)
  15. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Could be, Uber isn't exactly specific in the INIs

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