Support Upgrade

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Saint Mudknot, March 22, 2011.

  1. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I think it would be way more beneficial if the Supports had the ability to see their own teams health bars, that way they would KNOW who needs healing, and no guessing would be necessary for those "new" players
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    It tells you roughly what their health is by what color their name and class symbol is.

    Red means near death, yellow means half way, green means full.

    N00bs will always be n00bs, if someone is at red health and on fire and standing between them and their firebase, they are ignoring them on purpose and adding a health bar will only give the support something to watch dwindle down to empty and laugh as he continues healing his firebase.
  3. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    which is why i feel the fire base should be taken out and replaced by a riot shield for the yellow skill. just imagine a bunny hopping Italian with that thing
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    How would the skill's button, cooldown, and upgrades work? How would it balance against a team of heavies (that are supposed to be stronger against supports)?

    I know most people who like riot shields don't think of balance issues (like on MW2), but it would totally wreck this game.
  5. spookyspectre11

    spookyspectre11 New Member

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    Lol's oh MW2 and the throwing knife+riot shield combo...always cracked me up, though I was just being sarcastic about support having a riot shield, but let me give this balance thing a shot.

    riot shield: yellow skill, only appears when holding the y button, become completely immobile when using it, and it burns as fast as assaults fly but regenerates as fast as assassins cloak.
    -upgrade lvl2...2 step charge? power of assualt lvl 1 charge?
    -upgrade lvl3...2 step charge plus stun...still assualt lvl1 damage?

    no clue what to do with upgrades...

    :cool: f... yeah
  6. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I usually heal my teammates every chance I get. You can see their relative health next to their name. Green good, red bad. Then you can point at them and pull the left trigger, repeatedly locking onto the same slim until your teammate burns to death and wonders why you wouldn't heal him. they will later create a thread about how Supports should "support".

    I think the personnel indicators are fine as-is. Heal whomever you can. I do think an indicator for the level 3 firebase, that would be visible to the whole team, would be nice though. "first aid station here"
  7. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    I still feel it would be beneficial for Supports to see team health bars. I understand how you guys play and trust me, i have no problems playing support. However this would be very beneficial. It would remove the im going to heal this guy with more than half health even tho hes on fire, and instead heal the guy with almost no health left running from bullet spray.

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