Support not so... Support-And-Single Class teams.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Orion, August 12, 2010.

  1. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    Alright so first of all I would like to say that this is overall a great game for its price. I also realize that its been out for little over 24 hours or so. I have played online a decent amount and have discovered several issues that really, oh how to put it, "burn my bacon", as it were.

    My first issue is this: Lag. Lag. And what's this? More lag you say? Alright now to be far not all matches I've played have been laggy, nor have a great deal of them been laggy the entire time. However, it seems that the majority have some form of lag in them and as I have discovered, even in small burst it can cripple you in game. The time when it seems to happen most often for me is when I activate a skill, now this is any skill mind you, whether it be the Assualts Charge or the Gunner's deployable, it always lags and seems to always shift my aim. For instance, my personal favourites are when I got to charge someone as an Assualt and charge about half a foot to the side of where I would originally and hit a wall and I am thereby charged myself because mine was ruined.

    Now I'm not sure what can be done about that but all I can say is, for someone who cares about thier K/D ratio and likes a bit of strategy, this lag is crippling.

    Now the second thing I've noticed is that the Support class doesn't seem very... supportive. I played three matches in a row earlier today and each one had at least one or two Supports that stood back and did nothing but vulture kills with their Lvl 3 Airstrike. Now, I wouldn't have a problem with this provided they didn't get three of them. That is more than any other class. A sniper can throw two traps, an Assualt can throw one bomb. Now this might be fine under any normal circumstance, I mean sure you have to look up at a steep angle to get an distance on the things and there is a delay and they fire immediately afterwards so sure it sounds good in theory. However, I propse that it isn't very balanced. Not onldo they get three airstrikes which recharge fairly quickly but they also get a turret that heals them if they dstand close enough to it and a gun that can drain health from their enemies and give it to themselves.

    Now I find it slightly unfair that when I get the drop on a Support as an Assualt, hit him with charge and shoot him a bit, reducing his health down to roughly a fifth of a bar that if I lose sight of him for roughly three seconds he comes back with a 75% health bar and then starts draining my health.So in short it seems that the Support class is virtually invincible when played correctly, and while yes, that is what we all aspire to be, it makes the game unbalanced and basically turns the Support into the main griefing class. Oh Im sorry? Are you on an Uber Streak? Well excuse me while I drain your health with this gun, drop a turret and call in three airstrikes to utterly devastate not only you, but the two guys you are with.

    I am sorry but a class which is designated as Support should not be able to do that. I mean, Ive taken down Tanks that were surrounded by bots by myself easier than some Supports. And that is sad.

    Now onto my third issue which is single class teams. As a matter of fact this is less of an issue and more of an observation. Now I dont mean exactly an entire team of one class but a team with at least four of one class on it. For some reason people see to heavily favor the Assassin. I dont know why to be honest. As an Assault favoring player I know that whenever I see a shimmer I charge straight at it and make it fly off the nearest edge if I dont kill it outright. But anyway I digress, as I said it seems that people favor the Assassin in large quantities and I find this rather disturbing. While one or two on the enemy team is fine once you get three and four and sometimes five up there its near impossible to kill one of them because the others will just vulture you immediately. Its not something that really bothers me because its the Assassin because you could substitute any class in there and it would be the same. Its just something I found odd.

    tl;dr- Crippling lag issues; Support more like Juggernaut; Odd case of everyone wanting to be squishy Assassins.
  2. Doma0997

    Doma0997 New Member

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    I like the role the support plays, or at least the role I see him playing. I find him to be a choke point character, that is, he picks a spot and sets up a mini base there, usually in the line of fodder and holds out. This provides a checkpoint for the team, somewhere they can heal up, and he creates a junction to stop fodder, and gives something pros have to deal with to get the shields down. I like this a bit better than the whole 'follow everyone around and heal' thing, but it really is all a matter of opinion.
  3. Briq

    Briq New Member

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    I think Uber was trying to avoid the pitfalls of many class based games that have healers in them, which is the class being boring and selfless. It sounds like you want the support to have little offense and just run around holding the heal button down on teammates (like in another class based shooter that I won't mention). If that was the case, you'd find, just like in that other game, that the support class would be underplayed with other classes being consistently overplayed. As it stands right now, while some classes are obviously better in certain situations than others, you'll rarely if ever come across a situation where you think "We're goin to lose because we don't have X class." While one of each class is probably optimal, you can have success with a wide variety of different team compositions. Any class has the potential to be the stand out player in the match and I believe that's exactly what Uber intended.
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Support does feel a little too strong, his firebase is fine but the way you can flood an area with airstrikes quite often sort of takes away the point of your team in some matches, triple throw airstries onto a turret, run away, come back 50 seconds later and do it again on another one, I think it would be better if his red skill was slower to charge so those strikes would be used with more thought.

    Healing is good but you can juice way too quickly with it, keep juicing bots as you follow them and you can have a full juice in about a minute, and that is without any juice endorsements.

    I like his shotgun, has quite a small range so he can't really do anything from a far.

    I know there is always a class which can give another trouble but the support does live in his own bubble.
  5. Orion

    Orion New Member

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    I understand that and I agree with you that that is a possible role a support could play. However, I just find it ridiculous how easy it is for one to just spam airstrikes and how hard one can be to kill even with multiple people. I mean what is this? Mercenaries 2?

    No that is in fact not what I want the support class to be. Because then it wouldnt be so much support as medic. No, the main thing that I want is the airstrike to take longer to recharge and for the hurt part of the heal gun to either go away altogether or for it to not auto track. I mean its just silly how high his survivability is sometimes. I mean if hes standing next to his turret and using the hurt gun on you there is virtually no way to kill him unless youre using one of the heavier classes.

    I agree with you completely. I also must commend you for bringing up a few things I missed.
  6. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    When you find the opponent Support person is overpower. Press the "select" button, look at your team. Is their K/S/D ratio good? What are their class? Is everyone on assasin?

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