Support finances

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Fighter4Christ, December 2, 2010.

  1. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    As the support stands as of right now, it is entirely too difficult to earn cash. The two methods (airstrikes and offensive juicing) have been nerfed, and left the support nothing but a poor Italian.

    If this is the case, the support NEEDS some financial aid. As has already been suggested, he needs to get more money for healing pro's, either directly, or indirectly via assists.
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    do me a favor. try a gapshot, and then an early-game hacked longshot and defend it. then tell me you cant find any way to get a steady stream of money.

    heres a realistic request, the support's heal can stand a 2x or even 3x multiplier for cash earning. healing something to full health = 2, healing something to full health should = 8. that way, healing a base full of turrets would earn you enough money to make 1 cheap upgrade, instead of earning enough to maybe buy a lvl1 lazorblazor after healing all turrets in base twice.
  3. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Here are the problems with an early game Longshot:
    A. They tend to shoot at things they cannot hit, such as a RockIt Turret under the other team's spawn ring, or a turret nub near a wall.
    B. They are VERY easy to kill at the lower levels, and it only takes one person to blow up your investment, putting you even further behind everyone.
    C. Even when they do kill bots, they don't earn back their investment quick enough.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    This. The enemy team never has enough up to hit early game .. And when they run through and kill the two things with the least health in the game you'll feel awfully silly when you have nothing to show for building them.

    This whole "TURRETS KILL BOTS AMAGAWD YOU GET MONEY SO STOP WHINING" argument is stupid. The amount of money you get from this is almost negligible.
  5. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    The problem with gaining more money from over healing is that it might push the support further into base defense. Assists from hacked turrets might be enough to help out with the money situation.
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    the support being pushed to base defence? your right, this is silly. he should be SUPPORTING his base. he should be running around with a shotgun and hurtgun getting kills, and not worrying about the health bars of his teammates and turrets (which only a support can see health bars for some reason, im sure that reason isnt so he can help heal things)
  7. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    It's odd. I haven't had any financial problems as Support on Spunky. Perhaps it's the fact that if I build a RockIt on the far right nub and hack it, it can usually take out bots in the center and hit pros on the bridge. On basically any other map though, I tend to be behind on cash. I do think increasing the cash Supports earn from healing allies should be done, but the real question is at what point does it make sense? On another note, what about healing that a level 3 Firebase provides? Should that give the Support cash as well? If so, how much?
  8. Richy Woo

    Richy Woo New Member

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    Uber are pretty awesome when it comes to game balancing title updates , i would imagine that pretty soon there will be an update that takes into account play testing the recent DLC.

    I would much rather that the Support skills were rebalanced a little in the upwards direction when the next update rolls around, rather than Uber offering the Support class some kinda charitable offering of in game financial aid to make up for their shortfalls.
  9. MikeLanglois

    MikeLanglois New Member

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    As a support i'm never really out of money. Drop a firebase under cover in a lane, that brings in bot killing money. Run around, do some healing, wait for the pro's to come after your firebase, kill a few, then you've got a good amount to go back and upgrade/build turrets.

    Once i'm at this point, i find the money starts rolling in from turret kills, healing, pro kills that try for my turrets etc.

    Then again, i never buy the supports passive, so that saves me 550.
  10. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    The problem with a Support's Passive is that he NEEDS to go out in the front-lines to effectively apply Passive 2 (Bot Aura) - with the nerfs the Support is now more base-inclined and defense. Bot Aura is worthless on certain maps, and against certain teams. Increased Health from Passive 3? Even more worthless. Supports don't die, and they don't need more health. Especially if they play base defense.

    If anything, give Support a buff in the Passive skill; bot aura should apply to ALL bots, including pro-spawned bots and Jackbots. Instead of Increased Health at 3, either make a super bot aura at Passive 3 or something entirely different. Maybe increased RoF on HH gun ONLY FOR TURRETS.
  11. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I tend to get Support's passive 2 for the increased health regen, I just think of the bot aura as a side effect. The bot aura does increase the health of effected bots by at least 25%, which is just enough for them to survive a tank's death blossom at full health. Whether or not I get passive 3 is dependent on how close to the front line I'm playing. Either way, I love having extra survivability, and a support with passive 3 and silver armor can survive an assassin dagger back grapple.
  12. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    no half-decent assassin still has a dagger by the time you decide to purchase Passive 3.
  13. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I know, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to put that in there, but then again it seems like only half the assassins you ever run into in pub are half-decent.
  14. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I never upgrade to the sword. Shuriken launcher is all you need. I only use the dagger to lunge, and kill bots. So that's not a true statement.
  15. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    Wow, I checked this topic at first and there were no responses, now they have come pouring in!

    I must admit that I always have enough cash on spunky as a support, which is usually the only map I play support now.

    I think its because the towers are so aggressive, cutting into mid-field ad beyond when hacked. All other maps they only cover a small portion of the map, usually not even enough to properly keep pro's out from camping your base.

    An aggressive firebase is definitly the best way to get your money. But this means two things. One, somebody else that is good at bot clearing isnt doing there job (tank/assasin), and two, thats one less much needed tower back home defending the base.

    Gapshots are great for late-game funding IF the other team has turrets still up. But by then, there is a good chance your base is either well fortified or gone....
  16. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    I think most of the whining about support having no money making ability is due to the fact that with all other classes you get money by being offensive.

    It's not a problem that support relies on turrets to make money. They make good money while up.

    The problem is there are so many ways to take out a fully upgraded/hacked turret in 4 seconds. That's stupid, and it makes it very risky for supports to dump their precious early money into turrets. Especially when a good Assassin can flush all your money down the toilet in one juice.
  17. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Juiced Gold RoF Gunner with Mortar... don't even bother trying to heal turrets. They ARE dead. Move on.
  18. R3VAN

    R3VAN New Member

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    The Support has been so thoroughly nerf'd, I don't even both with making turrets or jump pads, really anything that is going to cost me money that won't make it back for me.

    Even towards the end of the game I won't make turrets because some assassin fresh out of the spawn will kill 2 or 3 bots and juice rush and destroy everything. I usually just do gapshots, maybe a shave ice to use with my fire base. Only a matter of time before an assassin slices throug it like butter but eh.

    I do a whole lot more healing though. I'm so desperate for juice that it's all I can do for the most part, especially since they nerf'd our juice but an assassin can get juiced before the 1st minute is up, but eh. Support is now useless at a range because you have to wait 5 minutes for your airstrikes to come back. I'm forced to lure people into my firebase then get hate mail telling me I'm just a camper who sits on his firebase, usually the same people who complained about our juice and air strikes as well.

    Only a matter of time before the firebase and shotgun get nerf'd. Honestly people keep complaining and Uber keeps hacking away at my lil foreign friend.

  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    meh, i never find problems with money. put a firebase in the way of a bot lane, you kill assassins and earn money. gapshots and longshots are often a good investment. saving your airstrikes for correct use would be smart, tho i think it should be a little faster too, as i can barely use mine with silver skill pill.

    but any future nerfs should go to the assassin and not the support. a team shouldnt need a sniper constantly shooting their own bot lanes to keep snipers from juicing. i hate how snipers can do that, and i found myself doing it last night because it was the ONLY way to keep assassins from juicing. they cant touch your bots, they cant juice from them.

    but keep the assassins out of the bot lanes, and then everyone is balanced atm.

    /using slashes to end stuff
  20. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, the only problem with the Support is that he lacks the ability to play fast paced with the rest of the game. His main, and only effective, way to make a steady flow of cash, is to run around with a shotgun and murder the opposing team in various ways, or turtle hard.

    Considering that the latter encourages letting the enemy get near your base, I can't say I approve.

    If there were more money for healing, and (DEAR GOD PLEASE) assist money for healing someone when they kill a player, then they would be a Support instead of a crazy Italian turtle.

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