Support Commanders. that actually support?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by fouquet, November 20, 2013.

  1. fouquet

    fouquet Active Member

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    You can warp in a support commander supcom style from a warp gate or a support beacon or a whatevermotron teleport mojig that you build in the late game. he costs a lot to warp in and takes a bit of time. also if he dies creates a halfsplosion nuke about half the range/power of a commander death.

    Support Commanders now have a customizable command AI that issues 1 order per second to units and buildings in a wide radius. you can set it to prioritise offence, defence, economy, production, tech, ect. and a combination of as many of these as you want.

    now you can deal with microing over multiple planets by sending support commanders to areas you want to build up but your attention is needed else where.

    also their orders cannot override any orders you give but can issue new orders to a unit that has completed its task. also multiple support commanders cannot over ride each others orders. a little icon should appear to denote that a unit or building has received a support commander order.

    creates a new incentive for growth in the late game beyond the scope that one player can handle.

  2. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Look at the thread I posted in regards to a build-able AI- Sub commander. I discussed it in the unit idea post on page three... I like the idea of an automated unit....

    The innate intelligence level of the supplemental commander AI is based on several factors such as map size number of players and intelligence level of any present opponent Ai's

    The commander would have (as suggested) a toggle-able range of action and desired action type... i.e. offensive, defensive base building (turrets and other fortification..) econ etc..... you get the idea.. When you select the area and action type the sub-commander will be able to control units within that range to assist in it's established function.. The ranges and behavior can be changed toggled on and off all through the Sub-commander... and it also provides a distinct target/ focal point to direct your attacks and knock out the local automated control... in my thread i discuss balance more in depth
  3. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    This could be could focus less on economy and more on the actual fighting.
  4. fouquet

    fouquet Active Member

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    Also, i would like to see all units and buildings reduced in size by 20% and increase all projectile speeds by 20% but keep ranges and movement speeds the same. make the weapons more accurate and the targets harder to hit
    also reduce size of tree decals by 10%.

    all about scale.
  5. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    No no no no no no no!!!!! Just as I said in the other related thread no!!! To much reward for the first person off planet. Your ability to strategically manage your entire empire is part of a STRATEGY game. If you choose to spend to much time in one area and forget the others that's your fault. Besides with the suggestions for ui having small Windows to what's happening on other planets it will hopefully be much easier to manage multiple planets. I just can't get onboard with an ai controlling other places you're not focused on.

    Example: I get to orbital quickly and get my comm safe and free to another planet as well as support comm. Set him to eco on new planet now I can come back to home planet and simply smash your face because the eco aspect has been removed for me. I no longer care about eco on home planet because my ai friend is making more money than Bill gates. All I have to do is build a massive army fudge your eco up, then as your try to recover lost economic buildings I crush what's left of you because as stated I care not for eco

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