As a regular user of the Support class, I would like the ability to chain heal 2 squad mates. Of course there would be restrictions like the distance that they were apart from each other but what if when Healing is upgraded to stage 3 that within a 10 foot radius, you can heal an additional squad member? The maximum healing that you would heal on a single target would be split between the two to keep it balanced and not over powered. As for turrets and damaging other opponents, it would still be single target. I think a good way to implement this would be to assign a button to enable this ability,this way the user has an option to use it if they desire. :!:
I don't think this is too great of an idea, even if you would only be healing each team member half, or less, of what you would be if on one person only. It's unnecessary, really, and more people would be crying about how "cheap" overhealing is with something like this.
Lazor heals would be great. It'd help with lane pushing. Healing up a knot of bots and keeping them healed more easily would help solve the utterly weak ridiculousness that is bots in this game. Even with me supporting a lane push, the bots die way too easily. Not as many games would go into overtime.
STOP trying to buff the Support class! I realize that this is in the wishlist section but keep dreaming because if the guys at Uber do this they may as well give everyone the option of getting a refund for the game. Support is OP, it needs nerfing, not buffing.