Suicide tank guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by the_feedle, January 6, 2012.

  1. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    Now when i say this this is my style of game play.
    Not everyone is as aggressive as me or likes the way i play but heres a few tips.

    First you need a good build to get around the map and try and burn as many pros as possible and kill as many bots as possible.

    Your number one tool for doing this is death blossom and youll need a reload in your build if you want to do it effectively.

    Next RB+LT at the same time to get the animation to skip and increase its speed. You almost have to press this when the gun is clicking for reload. Youll notice youve done this correctly if you dont do a full spin circle.

    (I dont do this all the time since I can get stuck inside the map and lock up from time to time)

    It also works best if you jump and do it in the air.

    Assassins hate my build since when your in the air they cant grapple you and the spam usually kills them with 1 or two blossoms.

    Your next best friend is charge 3. This along with a blossom at the proper timing can kill an assault with gold armor. Use it then finish them off.

    Death from above- use charge 3 while your in the air and drop in on them. Then burn or blossom.

    Bomb 2- this is a great way to distract someone after you nail them with charge 3 and they try to get away.

    So ... put all that into play what about bots?

    Simply kill the buggers with 1 blossom and hop to the next wave. Play ssdblitz and practice cause theres going to be games with tons of bots cramming the lanes and your kd assassin lover goes for pros and sucks.

    I run about maybe 4 builds for my style of play.. I won't mention every single one but heres the ones which I grew and made famous.

    Speed/Armor/Reload- my main build which helps you do the charge glide (tap a while charging) and the death blossom is above normal speed

    reload/armor/speed- This is my blitz mode tank and it hurts when done correctly.

    Reload/speed/armor- more of an offensive speed blossom build but youll die alot more

    Armor/Rate/Reload- this is prefered for people who love blossom and rail gun

    Upgrade order- charge 2, passive 2, charge 3, passive 3, bomb 2, deploy 2, bomb 3.

    Sorry but bomb 3 does damage to me while im in close range.

    Love it or hate it this is it.
  2. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    Ghost charge

    Also want to mention the ghost charge since not many people know about it or use it
    This is a key tool and move to use and kill the enemy as your going down.
    Simple make sure you got charge 3 and charge into the enemy as your about to die.

    Your body will nail the enemy and you may not get the kill but the enemy will die and youll see the icon of them dying on the screen.
  3. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Is there a difference with blossom damage based on how much ammo you have left on jet gun? Basically if my attack pattern is just charge\blossom, will that do less damage than charge\burn for a moment\blossom or will the blossom damage be reduced sinced blossom uses all your ammo and you have less ammo left?
  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    blossom damage is based on remaining clip percent, meaning any clip size endorsement will not directly increase its power, but the percent damage value still remains.

    also, feedle's style of tank play is a two way street. if you are on a more passive distance based team that revolves their play around juice, you are going to die, alot, and may not be as effective unless you can be very sneaky about it. however, when with the right front line (example feedle's tank for our tourney team played perfectly and he had a great series) this tank style of play is incredibly effective and frustrating for the opposition to deal with. so take his advice in stride and know when and how to be aggressive
  5. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    very true. Ie: you jet gun someone and your clip is 10% of ammo thats 10% of the damage of the blossom. If you got a full clip you can burn and use only 10% ammo then it will do 90% damage. I only use the jet flame if i need to burn a tank or gunner whos stunned as the blossom usually only scratches them.

    And yeah my tank isnt good vs people who got map control and camp and area or have it well defended. Its meant to kill the assassin and support quickly. Youll be able to kill snipers, assaults, supports, assassins easy if you can knock them with the charge.

    Also if you can let them come to you then retaliate vs them with this. Its also pretty good on surprising a juiced player whos slow and chasing down assassins and assaults who try to flee.

    I must mention that use the rail gun if they try to run. You might get the kill. I suck with the rail gun but i will go out of my way to try and kill someone with it low on health.
  6. Light My Pyre

    Light My Pyre New Member

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    I don't want to mess up my shining K/D of 8.6 so no, thanks.
  7. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    you said you would play for fun when you reached 8.0?
  8. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    k/d wont win you a mnc t shirt.
  9. choiio

    choiio New Member

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    Hi xeno!

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