Suicide players?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by christopher1006, October 29, 2012.

  1. christopher1006

    christopher1006 Member

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    Something I was wondering since with battles of 40+ people fighting there will problably be clan wars. What's to stop them from having five or ten build a strong economy with everyone funneling a portion of resources to them so that those five or ten just find the biggest asteroids and kill off the enemy players. They don't build defences or anything since their job is to use every last bit of metal to make more kinetic strikes. Or even a player who dosn't really care about winning but would rather just hit everyone with asteroids lategame witout actually focussing on beating them and capturing the planet.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It would be more then likely that such a tactic could be counter by invading the asteroids before the engines could be built, building appropriate nuclear weapons like in the trailer or possibly some other kind of anti-asteroid device.

    I would imagine the engines on the KEWs would be quite expensive, to build and run so players who focus to get them up and running would be draining the resources equivalent to most of a planet, leaving them vulnerable to another players invasion force.
  3. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    If this works they would simply win because they worked together. Nothing wrong here and iam sure there are ways to counter it.
  4. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    i agree lol clan wars are there to work together.
  5. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    Or you could simply turn off resource sharing so there isn't resource funneling.
  6. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I will say that I wrote this under the assumption that players who go for resources will also go for the asteroids themselves, rather then funding a player to do if for them.
  7. ultramarine777

    ultramarine777 Member

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    Ah, well in that case I agree.
  8. exterminans

    exterminans Post Master General

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    I don't see the problem?

    It's not like asteroids didn't have counter measures on their own.
    Your enemy goes for asteroids? You go for nukes. Well or you just fly to the asteroid and blew up the KEW drives. Unless you let the enemy take your moon, you will have enough time to do that.
    Your enemy goes for nukes? You go for SMD.
    Your enemy goes for SMD? You go for asteroids.
    I know, the system seems much more complex at first glimpse, but it's just a simple form of paper-scissor-rock at the core.

    You want to go for an successful asteroid strike? You will have to go at least for SMD + asteroid to prevent counter measures. And don't believe your enemy will go easy on you if you waste all of your economy to rush towards 2(!) tier X technologies at once while you loose both the asteroid AND the SMD on the asteroid with every strike!

    Neither expect a single asteroid to be enough to crush a whole planet, just as building a single SMD isn't enough to defend against a nuke spam and a single nuke launcher won't be able to defend against asteroids.

    Actually going for tier X is the ultimate goal of a large scale game. Fight skirmishes for resources and buildspots and prepare large scale attacks which use tier X technology for breaking established front lines. Encourage player to build wide spread bases to diminish the effects of large area AoE or even planet destroying measures.

    Also playing large scale clan matches is less like fighting a simple 2vs2 where teams just reduce the number of vulnerable flanks, instead you are going to focus onto different roles. Maybe even shared unit controls and resources over 5-10 players, every player managing 1-2 planet and 2-3 squadrons of units, but also focusing at a distinct part of the larger strategy. I would even expect players who focus solely on gaining metal from volcanic planets, only to supply their team with resources. After all, it's easy to make planets large enough to keep every player busy when microing just ONE planet.
  9. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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    If your enemies are funneling resources and not building defenses, you kill them. Doesn't sound that hard to me.
  10. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    In theorie it doesn't in in practicality it becomes a lot harder, with the one player being able to appropriately spend his double resources to create a effective single force where 2 players with normal resources are creating 2 smaller forces that are much easier to destroy.

    The player with more resources can tech up quicker and get better stuff before the 2 opposing players and it can eaisly become the case where that player snowballs across them map.
  11. bh18

    bh18 Member

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    Assuming they don't, but that would defy most logical reasoning, so assume they turtle, then you'd be throwing resources at a world that just keeps bouncing back, leaving you open for the other players to gank.

    And why do I keep reading about teching up? I know its been confirmed that there will not be a tech tree in the traditional sense-how they go about that is beyond me-and the jury's still out on SupCom type Tech Levels.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Teching up in the sense of getting better stuff and units.

    It is the general knowledge however that there will be 2 tech levels like in TA: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=34022 but of course it could change.
  13. bh18

    bh18 Member

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    That clears up some of it but how they implement it can still change, maybe even to something different than expected. Or maybe not, meh.
  14. Zuroza

    Zuroza New Member

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    You all seem to forget that while they build up their asteriods you can build up smaller and cheaper asteroids to use against their asteroids. not only will you be able to finish first but if they are truly rushing the will probably have their commander buildind on their asteroid that will be destroyed with your strike. Fight fire with fire my friends

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