I have seen a lot of threads complaining about the unit roster and a lot of threads suggesting new units but I haven't seen any threads on modifications to the current unit roster to add diversity. Myself and many others feel that basic and advanced units often fill to much of the same roll, presenting a direct unit upgrade. Here I would like to post suggestions for different rolls within the current unit roster. If we have an idea of the unit rolls we want basic and advanced units to have I think that we can easier diversify rolls. For this set of suggestions, I have made basic units better at destroying a single target while advanced units are better at destroying multiple targets. I have also focused on combat units because I haven't been able to think of anything for econ units. Air: Basic: Scout - fast, long sight and radar, no weapons, a bit more health than current scout. Fighter/Interceptor - Fast, low health, long range missiles with high damage to single target, long reload time. short vision radius, requires scout/radar to be fully effective Bomber - medium-fast, divebombs target dropping precision bombs with high damage and low splash. Think A-10 Warthog. Excellent for killing infernos/vanguards Advanced: Gunship - fast, medium sight. high fire rate and splash, medium health. Not as effective as Basic Bomber on single target Fighter - medium-fast, shoots large volleys of inaccurate missiles with short range and high splash. Loses one on one to a basic Fighter but is devastating to bombers. Especially when the bombers are in groups. Bomber - medium-slow, drops lots of low damage bombs spread out over a large area. Not effective against single units but does a lot of damage to unit groups, more health than regular bomber Vehicle: Basic: Scout - fast, long sight and radar, no weapons, a bit more health than current scout. Ant - lower health, mid range high damage no splash, short sight. requires radar/scouting to be fully effective. Antiair - fires a good amount of missiles with a long reload time. Very good at destroying single air targets. Inferno - no change Advanced: Vanguard - shotgun unit. Does more damage than the Inferno but spread out over a larger area. Sheller - no change Leveler - mid-long range, large splash radius, low damage, low health. good at weakening a groups of units for the ants to chew through later Well, thats all that I've thought up for now. We still need bots, navel, turrets, and orbital. Have fun and discuss!