Here is a brief list of ideas I would love to see for each of the three Tier 3 planet surface factories (or just added to the current Tiers). Ships: It would be very interesting to have T3 ships which are able to either launch between orbit and sea or just go from sea into the air. This would keep them as tanky and hard hitting but slow. You could think of them as the air's version of vehicle tanks. Air: I'd like air to keep its great mobility and hit and run tactics for fighting. One interesting addition would be for a T3 air unit to have a type of corrosive attack which would deal damage over time for a medium duration (30 seconds for example) to add to their hit and run strength. Another idea would be for a T3 bomber to be able to launch mini robotic drones to attack on the ground with a medium cooldown to prevent too much of a swarm. Land vehicles: As for land vehicles, a T3 anti air would be great, as well as possibly a slow moving tank which could target orbital units. Also, a large slow moving fortress would be fun with both anti air capabilities and a long range cannon with a large cooldown( to aid in the overcrowding of ground units). Robots: As for robots, I would like for them to keep their flexibility and variety. An interesting T3 robot would be a burrowing type which would hide underground but not be able to move (allowing it to ambush as a army passes over it for example). A anti air robot would be great as well, even if it is weaker than the vehicle counterpart. Orbitals: A idea for orbitals as I typed this also occurred to me. Having a expensive and slow moving orbital which could intercept a nuke missile crossing below it (with a decent cooldown time of course). This would help provide a form of cover for advancing slow armies towards a base with a store of nukes.
Tech 3 units are a confirmed no. I recommend you check out this thread: