Suggestions for a PA Begginer

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by gamerx112, August 27, 2013.

  1. gamerx112

    gamerx112 Member

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    I've never been good at RTS games but this game definitely was one I knew I could get into, however even though I won a good sum of matches, the majority has been on luck, afk, or generally against players like myself which don't know what to do.
    So I was curious since I too didnt really know how to start of a round. I've tried building a spammed eco. I've tried unit spam right out the door. and even tried fab spamming to get the eco going up as fast as I could but know matter how fast I get my units to build the eco with or without fabbers, the enemy (which happen to be better players) always seems to have eco under control and an army in my face.
    Can anyone suggest tips, suggestions, and/or advice on how to get started in this games and how to get used to loss, it always seems that I've lost the moment my eco is attacked.
  2. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Cant help you mutch because im like you a (noob) but at this point its dificult have an idea off the real way to play this,since lot things miss in the game.
    But try have fun forghot naval that no one use it ,and air ,you donĀ“t need them ,for now you only have 3 diferent units to fight .
  3. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    current good start is 1mass ; 1energy ; 3mass ; 1land factory
    the land engies have best build eco/speed ratio

    but as soon as you can you leave energy production to the land fabbers while you delegate mass construction to bot fabbers (they are faster and build ok).

    The main idea is constant multiplication you build one factory with wich you build three more that build 3 more... ect. all the while never stopping building eco.
    You never stop building.

    EDIT : I totally can't find the other beginner suggestion thread.
    Last edited: August 27, 2013
  4. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    This is the most important bit. Never stop. You are a plague upon the planet you are on and you must CONSUME it for the glory of the ROBOT HIVE MIND. Or something like that, whatever rustles your jimmies.

    Aside from that, never energy stall. It's okay to do it once or twice in a match, the first time when you are starting up and the second time when you are going from T1->T2, but aside from that if you Energy Stall you've just fallen onto a slippery slope. When you energy stall, your metal extractors loose power, further deepening the fucktitude of your economy, and forcing you to focus on building energy production while you waste valuable time.

    In direct contrast to the previous bit, never have full metal storages. It's okay to have a net negative metal income so long as you aren't wasting any resources. It's also okay to build more metal storages if you have a surplus of income, but whatever you do, don't waste metal. It lets a good opponent get ahead of you, and could be equated to burning paper money because you don't have enough space in your wallet to stick it.

    And one last thing, always be on the offensive. If you are defending from raids or a major attack, okay, but if your opponent has forced you to stop expanding and you are no longer attacking his expansions, you're doing it wrong. Don't bother directly engaging your enemy's armies, go around his armies and penetrate into the rear end of his base, destroying his innocence valuable Power Generators and virginity exposed Metal Extractors, crippling his economy and completely halting his war machine. Remember, your enemy cannot build an army without resources, and if he can't build an army, he can't even attack you. Thereby in PA, a strong offense is always a good defense, while a strong defense is only sometimes a good offense.
    zihuatanejo, sorenr, oxide246 and 2 others like this.
  5. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    I am going to try and keep "For the GLORY of the ROBOT HIVE MIND" in my head from now on whilst playing games. I think it will help me develop the right mindset for constant expansion and production!

    Thanks for the helpful post and the sexual innuendoes ;)
  6. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    Also, map control is extremely important in PA. Don't be afraid to build a cluster of metal extractors on the other side of the planet, you should grab the open metal early to deny the enemy the rights to expansion.

    In addition, always stay on the offensive. If you have a few units to spare, send them towards the opponent's base. If they're too well defended, try attacking from a different angle. Stay away from defensive turtling -- turtles always crack.
  7. gamerx112

    gamerx112 Member

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    Ya say send them to the enemy when I have spare units, but shoud I just send units or micro to exploit the games tracking?
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Bit of both. When you should and when you shouldn't will come with experience.
  9. GalacticCow

    GalacticCow Active Member

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    If you're in the face of something like laser turrets, better to either maneuver around, or set your units up so that they're not streaming in and getting shot down one by one, or else it's possible the run will be completely useless.

    Overall, it's more of an issue of time management. Do you feel it would be better to babysit your units and maybe do more damage? Or would you rather expand your economy, queue up defenses or factories or things, etc. If you're taking out something important like an enemy radar installation, or an artillery that's threatening your base, chances are you want to micro your units. If you've just got units sitting around and the enemy's not offensive against you, then it's better to expand and manage economy and production, and just send the units in and hope they do some good damage.

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