Hey everyone, I've only really been playing for around two hours so I'm not that far into the game yet, but it seems there is one glaring piece of the game that causes major lag and overloads even the top line graphics cards(which I have). This, is the dead units on screen. If there is a toggle key or something you can click to cut these pesky black marks on my planets away, that would be great! Just, when the screen has 50+ images of black dead units it causes the game to under perform. Maybe putting a timer on these, 30-secs or something until they disappear, would solve this problem? Or just have it that they disappear immediately after their death motions finish? Just a thought I had in the early hours of game play! Otherwise, solid fun game. Thanks, Monkiman300
That won't help much you'll still get bandwidth lag from moving or fighting with large amounts of units.
Wreckage was always an important part of Total Annihilation. This game is attempting (successfully, I might add...) to build and improve on that game. A mod may become available for disappearing wreckage in the future, but I don't expect that to be part of the finished game. If "tiny black marks on the screen" are slowing down your "top line graphics card", I'd be very surprised. You should expect potentially serious performance issues until the game is finally released. Many on the forum believe the performance issues will be improved as we get nearer to release date, though not many have mentioned the fact that as the game progresses, more and more units/players/planets/unit types/planet sizes etc etc, will be introduced, which MAY also impact performance further down the line.
And Garat and other Uber Employees keep saying they have a LOT of optimizations to do but haven't done yet. part of it is setting up a baseline and finding where the issues are, you can't optimize if you don't know what's wrong. Also a lot of what people THINK are graphical issues are actually bandwidth issues, which Uber is well aware of and are purposely imposing a fairly high limit at this stage to help with identifying the issues and working to get overall bandwidth down. It's all a process, they are actively writing the engine as we speak, there is nothing we need to 'believe' in, we know pretty well what's going on with Uber's comments. Mike
Also, in (I think) the most recent livestream they mentioned that so far they have not added any LOD, meaning that things off screen are still rendered. They've just hired a new graphics guy who will be tackling this amongst other things, so graphics optimisations and improvements are on their way.