Hey Guys. New player to PA, but fan of the old SupCom titles. I would like to suggest a better visual seperation of the orbital units and the ground units. As it stands it all seems to degenerate into a giant hodge podge. Would it be possible to make the orbital layer "higher", so the units are not visible at a wider rage of zoom levels? or what if you could turn off the planet layer or orbit layer, with a key press toggle, so that you can only see the a specific layer and the units in them? ( A filter so to speak). I love the idea of orbital bombardments and invasions and whatnot. I was just trying to think of a way to make it more manageable.
There is a menu option that hides most ground units when you zoom out far enough. That's as good as we've got currently.
Nice! Well that will help somewhat in the short term. I cant really think of another creative way to solve the problem. Thank you for the tip
In the new PTE build they solved the issue quite well by giving orbital units distinct icons with a different border. It's very good now.
A view filter would be great, disabling everything but oribtal. I'll give the menu option a shot though
Still feel like clouds would be idea, sort of like the fog of war from Civilization 5. Doesnt have to be like a wall of clouds. but just some clouds of various degrees of transparency would work. As a bonus, it would help to add some height / depth. atm it feels like orbit and air units are more or less just the same height.
A toggle for viewing and selecting would be amazing. Hell a single key to toggle between selecting on all layers, or cycling through the individual layers to only select units on one at a time would be a dream for this guy!
I agree. There needs to be a better distingushment between the two. What if the planet's surface was blurred and/or black and white or muted colors?