[Suggestion] System Editor positioning and simulation

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by totalannihilation, October 19, 2013.

  1. totalannihilation

    totalannihilation Active Member

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    First of all, some are going to say "the desginers have many things to do, this is not a priority, it should be pushed to the future"
    This is actually rather simple to implement, even though it is not a priority.
    Here is the thing: in the System Editor, when positioning a planet, you could choose between X & Y position or 'r' & 'theta' position (radius and angle).
    when submiting 'r' and 'theta', you can calculate X & Y as:
    on the opposite way:
    theta=arccos(X/r) if Y>0
    theta=360 - arccos(X/r) if Y<0

    also the velocities can be changed from Vx and Vy to Vr and Vtheta:
    on the opposite way, you just have to invert the matrix

    Part2: Simulation time
    When you activate the Simulate button, it should trigger a stopwatch and this time relates with the in-game time, so the owner of the system can estimate the time for one revolution, or even the time for the smallest distance between two planets. e.g.:
    Planet A takes one revolution in 37 seconds of simulation (time elapsed), which in game corresponds to 18.5 minutes of gameplay (time shown in the display)
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I really like the system editor timer.

    That'll be very important for when gameplay takes place across multiple planets.

    Many talked about scenarios involve planet collisions at certain times. Example. Players start on the same planet or different planets, but those planets collide after a certain amount of time. So both players must get off planet before their planets get destroyed. Setting up such a scenario requires knowing how much time until collision.

    You should bring this up on the GUI thread.


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