Brah. on the top right you can drop down the planet list and click on the names to take you to the planet.
I know. I still want the strategic icons to be able to tell where planets are in relation to each other. (did you know when planets are further away it takes longer for untis to travel between them :O) Also when the icons on the top right are identical it can be confusing with lots of planets, also which moon am I sending troops to the one orbiting my planet or the enemies? Can't tell half the time. Needs icons.
It will be extremely usefull in the current gamemodes where planets collide afther a set amount of minutes.
Icons for the planets in full system view would be a great addition. Small moons can be impossible to spot on a large multi-planet system. Regarding the planet drop down menu, it would be significantly more useful with the planets ordered by distance from the sun, with moons listed as sub-entities of their planet.