[Suggestion]Set Transport Route (Ferry)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by optymistyk, October 24, 2015.

  1. optymistyk

    optymistyk New Member

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    I am very new to the game(bought it yesterday) but I was a SupCom and SC2 veteran and I was shocked that the one feature from SC that would make so much more sense in PA is actually missing. The option to set a transport route.

    In SC it allowed you to transport large quantities of units easily, without micro-managing every single transport run. Basically it created a flag below where the transporter currently was and a destination marker where you choose. Right clicking the flag with units selected would cause them to queue up and wait for transport. The transporter would then pick up as many as possible, go to the destination, unload, come back, load again and repeat until all the units ended up at the destination marker. You could even link factories to the flag which would cause all the newly produced units to utilize the system. Fully. Automatically.

    Back to PA. Imagine having 100 tanks and 10 Astraeuses. In order to transport them all to another planet you will have to 1. select the transports, 2. area load the tanks, 3. go to another planet, 4. find the landing zone and click,5. wait, 6. go back to your planet, 7. find your tanks and area select them,8. wait and repeat 10 times. This is one of the things which pull PA close to an unmanageable mess rather than a strategy game.
  2. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    We've been wanting this for a long long while, not sure if it's still being considered or not. But it'd be super great to have. =)
  3. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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    This function is not really needed since we have teleporters, which work much better than transports.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    teleporters have the significant disadvantage of being static which limits flexibility ... transports can work independently and allow for more options of attack directions even though requiring more setup and having limited capacity each but have the added benefit of staying constantly usefull for reasigning landingzones ... in order to get different landingzones with teleporters means your builders have to be on the frontline to rebuilt them everytime...
  5. V4NT0M

    V4NT0M Well-Known Member

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    I see some of the benefit to using this system but in general I still feel that it is inferior and very easily countered by air. In SC units had a lot more health, in PA air transports go poof in no time.

    It really boils down to this: If you have the opportunity to air ferry a bunch of units to another location without being seen or shot down then it would still be quicker to air ferry fabbers instead and build a teleporter.

    In the end i think it would just lead to a lot of dead pelicans as unmicroed units get taken out by AA.

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