Suggestion: Release half of the server early.

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Tontow, June 29, 2013.

  1. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Instead of releasing the server during alpha or beta.

    How about giving a few select users very limited access to a server to mod?

    And I do mean very limited; no read, wright, or copy access to all the back end stuff.

    What you would give access to would be the ability to modify the files that are needed to add new units and buildings and, eventually, biomes. And nothing else; they should not even be able to see or access any other files. (Basically, they would be fairly basic as far as mods go, but this is still alpha and anything more advance would most likely require too much access to the server files.)

    We already know most of what is required for making new units (from what I have seen in the mod forum).
    So why not give the mod community an early chance to show off what they can do and have done.

    PS: I know something like this would most likely be set as a very low priority, but It's something to consider down the line.
  2. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    No one has any thoughts on this?
  3. Nordbjerg

    Nordbjerg New Member

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    I think this will divert Uber from what really matters - making the game. I say wait until beta, it's only about a vacation away.

    The modding isn't even fully laid out yet anyway, so until they decide how and what you can modify (e.g. announce the official modding language, release an API) all we can do at the moment is really just mod the UI and tweak shaders.
  4. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I'm against your idea because properly modding support can't be done before game finished. Let's Uber finish their work on performance/architecture first and then start asking them about modding.

    Your idea about part/half server release it's also bad because developers will care about some obvious security issues and not about development. I prefer if Uber can give us proper SDK after release, then very limited/unstable mod possibilities now. SDK it's what we need to ask them about. ;)
  5. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I believe Uber is handing out SOMETHING to "Official" mod teams. I'm crossing my fingers that I get a copy of whatever they're planning.
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    It's possible but we have to be extremely careful with server security.
  7. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I want to believe you won't release it's earlier. I'd prefer if you will spend time on actual game development instead of server security. Security is something what cost a lot and require time . :roll:

    Modding is really important for me, but there is tons of other modding-related options Uber can spend time on.
    Last edited: July 2, 2013
  8. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Yes, exactly. And It would be a good Idea to have users sign some kind of liability NDA agreement.

    And now that I think about it more, it would be better to do this mid to late beta as a precursor to releasing the entire server.
  9. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    If someone does release it though the damage is done. No amount of "sue" money will bring back what Uber could potentially lose by letting some random people (no matter how respected) access at that kind of level.

    Besides... "Mid to Late Beta" was the window Uber was shooting for anyway...
  10. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    They can't secure servers with NDA, because main problem isn't about people who get these access. Problem is Uber isn't private security company and people who can get access also isn't security specialists who can protect sensitive information.

    Main problem of computer security it's that people who break it are always much more skilled than people who own important information. Uber is small company with very few people and it's easier to keep their network environment fairly secure, but when they give any access to third person risks are grow exponentially.

    And what's more obvious even if they give something to anybody they shouldn't ever announce it, because it will be like "OMG! This person have access to server executables!" ;)
    Last edited: July 2, 2013
  11. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Yeah... I agree with sxx. If Uber is releasing anything for modders, it should be an API. They've already faced a lot of hurdles getting PA this far, throwing another one down for themselves isn't something they should be pressured to do.
  12. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    I will be very happy to see proper SDK (binary runtime + headers source + gameplay code sources) one day. I like the way how Valve does it. ;)

    What else they can do: they can release server-side content (scripts, configurations), plus some specifications (part of them already here) and documentation. We can start to program/design of server-side mods without server.

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