Suggestion - RE Build menu's

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by biodragonlord, October 18, 2013.

  1. biodragonlord

    biodragonlord New Member

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    not sure if this topic has come up but i was wondering if you could implement / apply advanced
    buildings to come up under a sub heading insted of intergrated with the standard buildings this
    would enable users to find the building that they are looking for faster, ie say a advanced bot you can switch
    between advancved buildings and lvl1 buildings there fore saving that probablilty of acedently building a lvl1 factory insted of a lvl 2
    zweistein000 likes this.
  2. Tankh

    Tankh Member

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    I do approve a separation between the two kind of buildings do quicker distinguish between them (I've many times tried to find the advanced factory and got it confused with the basic ones), but I don't like putting it behing another mouse click.

    Instead, how about just a separate row with all the advanced units/buildings in above/under the row of basic units?

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