Suggestion of how change/improve radar

Discussion in 'Support!' started by liquius, September 27, 2013.


What do you think?

  1. I like the idea.

  2. I want to keep radar as it is.

  3. I think somthing need to change, but not this.

  1. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    At the moment radar is a direct upgrade system.

    Basic radar > adv. radar > radar satellite

    This is simple and it works. However it isn't that fun or interesting.

    I would like to add a different type of radar. It uses a heat map system. All units have a heat stat. The density of the heat is roughly shown.

    Basic radar will stay the same. Maybe increase the range a little.

    Adv. radar and adv. radar satellites will use the heat map system. They will have a significant increase in range.

    Targeting with the heat map:
    + Catapults won't be able to use the heat map. They will need a radar dot or visual sight.
    + Lobbers will be able to use the heat map. They fire on any area with a heat density above a certain value.

    With this new mechanic it will allow units like radar jammers. Units that increase/decrease heat in an area. It adds potential for units like crawling bombs and fleas. It also helps balance long range weapons. You cant just build an adv. radar next to a few catapults and have dominance over the area. You can also make there range even greater.

    In TA radar gave information. Your units wouldn't attack them until you had visual sight or an expensive targeting facility. In my opinion heat map is the natural progression of the TA radar system.

    Any question or criticisms are welcome.
  2. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    I think we need to wait till Gas planets are in before they can decide exactly, as the impact of an orbital only planet will have a big effect. The idea above is interesting but does increase complexity...

    And I really never liked the idea of a target facility that was just annoying in TA and made the units seem far too dumb.
  3. microapple

    microapple Member

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    For the scale that PA is going for, I think this would only be useful if it was really cheap or fast to build.
    Even then, this would make the UI even more cluttered.

    Nice idea though, I anticipate we may get some changes to the radar system before the game is released.
  4. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I had imagined that it would cost around the same as the current adv. radar and have 1.5 to 3 times the range.

    As for UI clutter I don't think it would be an issue. Imagine a death ball of tanks. Before it was a cluster of dots. Now it would be a red blob. It gives some information but not too much.
  5. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    Is there gonna be a way to hide from radar? like cloaking ? or anti radar or something:

    Still personally feel like its way to easy to get normal radar up see almost 1/3 of a planet. Then advanced radar some shows like ENTIRE freaking planet almost.

    Also radars should be taller bigger to make more clear target.
  6. microapple

    microapple Member

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    If not in the full game, this would be easy to mod in.
  7. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I don't think traditional radar jammers are planned.

    With my idea it would allow for some sort of jammer. You could have heat generators to make it look like a huge death ball is heading your way. You could have heat suppressors that cloak small areas from the heat map. So it would work with a small bunch of dox, but not with a bunch of levelers. However once you get into basic radar range or visual sight your spotted.
  8. aeonsim

    aeonsim Active Member

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    I'd certainly hope radar jammers are planned though I can't think of any comments from the developers either for or against.

    Actually mixing the jammer with your idea might work. Instead of completely negating if the jammer showed up as an an area on the Radar which Radar couldn't give individual targeting info it'd be a bit more interesting.

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