[Suggestion] More Killer information

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Warhero89, August 24, 2010.

  1. Warhero89

    Warhero89 New Member

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    With the people that kill you, wouldn't it make sense to display the Endorsements that player is using in advertisement form of coarse? It would really be nice to see when someone kills me, i look at their endorsements and i can say for certain that a particular endorsement probably gave them the edge in that situation, and then plan around that problem in the future?

    I just hate not knowing if it was speed they were using, crits, better accuracy, ect. More info the better.

  2. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

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    What I gathered is that the reason for custom class are not only for more options but to make your own build that's for you. If everyone can see your build then there is no "sercet" builds. I don't want everyone knowing what my builds are. They may be common but they might not be.

    Besides if you get killed everytime by a build aren't you going to copy that build? If everything you try can't beat it then won't you just figure its the best? Soon enough everyone will have the same build for each class. I like the hidden build.
  3. monmaker

    monmaker Active Member

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    i like the idea, i hate it when i am cutting somebody up with my katana with gold RoF, which is FAST, and having to dance, dodge, cloak, lunge have a back assassination turn into a front one (Happens way to often, but not as often as it doesn't grapple period) and them STILL not dying and throwing a paper clip at me to kill me. it would make me feel a LITTLE better if i could see that they had gobinumb or something. >_>
  4. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I just want to know how many bots they've killed. I couldn't care less about their k/d, but if they've been steamrolling one of our lanes, they needed to be shut down. If k/d is their thing and they've been harassing one of our players, I'll hear about it long before I kill them.

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