I looked but didn't see either a sub-forum or thread for suggestions, though I may have been blind. I have a hard time keeping up with the AI's/players when playing this sort of game, my mind simply runs a little too slowly. No matter how much I play the genre, I always get outpaced by my opponents. And so, I propose a "Game Speed" slider. This slider simply slows down the rate at which game time moves, in order for those who can't function as fast to still enjoy play. Obviously this would either be only a SP addition, unless maybe it was a MP option that all participants in a game have to agree on.
That would be absolute anarchy. Rather than a game speed slider why don't you git gud watch some replays of high level 1v1s or some youtube videos
This has been suggested a few times. The server has the ability to change speeds already, we just have to wire up the controls. It is definitely something I would like to implement, but I don't know when/if I will get the time.
A slider where you can not only slow the game down but speed it up as well would be a welcome addition to the game for me. Also I must say, a slider to adjust the unit count would be good as well.
If you play on local server and start server.exe manually on windows you can use + - keys to turn up down game speed. Might be some other keys @Quitch should know.
It's PgUp and PgDn. Home resets to default speed. You need to start server.exe before you enter the lobby and any adjustments to speed will be ignored if they're made before launch. Planetary Annihilation\bin_x64\server.exe
I believe at some point there was a mod that'd make it so when a server begins to slow down from lag it'd speed every unit up to compensate. So if it were 2 times slower Sim every speed based attribute of every unit/projectile would be multiplied by 2. Interesting concept. ;P
I don't believe it was dynamic. It multiplied speed, and then required you to run a custom server and adjust the target sim speed at the start, providing more headroom against slowdown.