Suggestion - Cosmetic changes / Aesthetics and Achievements

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xeno326, January 19, 2013.

  1. xeno326

    xeno326 New Member

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    Weapon Aesthetics
    Having the ability to change the looks/sounds of weapons like the particle effects would be cool. ex: energy plasma ball, laser, cannon projectile, etc.

    Body Armor Aesthetics
    Modifying the look of a unit slightly, like a body kit for a car to alter the look slightly, but not to the extent where it doesn't resemble anything like the original unit would be awesome too. Changing out the look of the legs, arm, head, torso to another body kit, or mix and match body kit styles.

    Achievement/Feat based Aesthetics
    Keep in mind none of this stat changing so it doesn't change the principle of the unit but more of less a cosmetic/sound change. Maybe award special ones through achievements or after obtaining certain feats of strength, to keep players enticed to work towards a goal while mashing out RTS games.

    Balancing issues if you make modular pieces to units affect stats/function of the unit
    Now you can if you want to go the route of making major adjustments where the units are modular and you can equip artillery cannons instead of plasma canons; changing out legs to change movement speed or other armor pieces to add health/armor and stuff might be cool, but then you work into balancing issues and that part of it involving stats might cause more problems than its worth, so lets start off with just cosmetics

    Custom vector logos players can create to add a personal look to their units
    In addition to all this this maybe allow players to create their own vector logos much like the game APB allows their players to customize their character. Have this cool metallic pearlescent paint job and then slap an awesome decal/logo on half the unit or wherever the player wants. Part of this goes in line with the suggestion of a "Painter Armory" for players that has already been suggested like in dawn of war, but go the extra mile with allowing dynamic customization to allow player creativity.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Suggestion - Cosmetic changes / Aesthetics and Achieveme

    This should be in the General Discussion Sub Forum.

    But I don't want any of this, it ruins the entire point of the Aesthetics already put forth by Uber and only adds confusions and readability issues.


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