Suggestion: capturing units SupCom style

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by BobChaos, July 15, 2015.

  1. BobChaos

    BobChaos New Member

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    Those of us who played SupCom remember stealing enemy MEX or sometimes even a fac. It was an interesting mechanic that I'd like to see in PA too. Currently, a fabber can reclaim a building and rebuild, why not just combine both operations in one?

    I'd see it this way: The capture order would be as long as reclaim + rebuild would take and be unavailable to combat fabbers since they have such a powerful build arm. This way, the game balance wouldn't be affected, but it would be a bit more convenient when your fabber goes to build MEX on an enemy occupied deposit. It's just one of those boring things that PA players need to micro that takes time away from real action. Instead we could order an area capture and let the fabber work while we go murdering robots :D

    Random thought: it might be fun if combat fabbers could capture teleporters only, and if you capture an active one the other end is captured too >:D Even more reason to shut down your porters after an evac.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    You can actually use enemy Stargates by the way, I have seen a player be hunted down through their gate after they lost their main base, chased the commander right through and atomized his ***.
    tunsel11 and Nicb1 like this.
  3. BobChaos

    BobChaos New Member

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    Hence the "another reason to close your porters" o_O The problem with the current way is you have to set your units to return fire, not ideal when invading an enemy base through his portal :/

    then again, with my suggestion the other end might get blown up instantly when you cap it. O well
  4. perfectdark

    perfectdark Active Member

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    This problem could be fixed by having the fabber auto reclaim a mex when it has been told to build one on the same spot, just like it auto reclaims a tree when you tell it to build something in a forest. As the ability to reclaim is there I see no reason why this shouldn't be the default behavour. Ideally though it would make more sense to me to force the player to kill the enemy building with an offensive unit before it can be reclaimed.
  5. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    totaly would love a capturing mechanic even if only barely used ...

    on a more serious note can non-sharedarmy- teams gift stuff to each other?

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