I know some mods automatically place walls with turrets, the game allows line build walls, and some mods adjust the turrets line-build to spread them out a bit... ...but walls are a lot more effective when spread out not touching and a lot more effective than that if placed "diagonally". Can I/Someone apply an existing mod to make walls place a bit spaced and/or diagonal? I understand gil-e shots go through walls spread out enough, but I think there is a point that every 3 walls can cover 4 without noticable difference other than health threshold, and even less noticable/even more space if set diagonally where it stretches corner to corner (the distance between corners is farther than the distance between centers) Anyone know what I mean?
I think I understand what you mean. You want to place them so they only touch on the corners of the walls? Could probably be inserted into imbawall to build them around pd's in somewhat that way. Bigger lines are probably not as "easy".
Kind of potential mods that provide 40% discount on walls' metal cost per distance covered, I like that too Imbawall towers coverage would be even better
Okay, in my sick state (I have flu or something), I just realized a way I could make this work if I figure out modding. I just had an instance of "thinking with portals". So. You can't rotate things easily in placement, there is no option for that in area build. But there is template build. Well, with template build, I am still not sure you can "rotate", but I just realized something. If you put a wall, beside another wall, and a wall's size backwards, then the corners touch. Epiphany. Could we get a mod to work by staggering walls >1^1? Just, over one up one, over one up one, repeated in a line for the line build of the wall? I am sure this has negative side effects, like a side dragged line of wall building diagnol instead, but you could just drag diagonal to build straight walls and the green circles approximates the placement...