Sudden death blitz solo run to 148 - share your tactic/lvl

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wimsi, August 20, 2010.

  1. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    Whats your highest lvl on a solo run? What setup/tactic did you use?

    Yesterday I got to lvl 148


    Gold: skill reload
    Silver: armor
    Bronce: speed



    Start to build L1-L7,
    then a lvl 1 ice ( thats enough until lvl ~50 )
    then R1-R5
    then LS1-LS5

    Pre lvl 60:
    Until lvl 60 spawns also come from E+D, so try to have R2+R4 on hack all the time.
    Everything else shouldnt be too hard, just learn to kill the jackbots fast:

    lvl 10 is one jackbot from B
    lvl 20 is one jackbot from A
    lvl 30 is 2 jackbots from B + C
    lvl 40 is 3 jackbots from B+C+D
    not sure about 50+60. 50 may be 3 and 60 2.

    Use your juice. start to attack every jackbot. now they should aim at you and not at the moneyball or your towers. Kill them with airstrike / healcanon + have the correct towers hacked.

    After lvl 60 some things change:

    bots only spawn at A+B+C+F
    bots spawn randomly but they do not get more life.

    From now one you have to keep 4 towers hacked all the time. there is not much time - so always take a look at your blue ball. I used to have R2-R5 hacked all the time.

    Now you have different wave of bots to spawn:

    • 2 jack bots from A+B
    they are no problem, if they come alone. just kill them as fast as possible and buy juice immediatly after the kill!

    • 2 jack bots from A+B + 3 black jacks from C
    go, kill the black jacks first. then see above

    • 6 black jacks from A+B + 3 black jacks from C or F
    learn to handle them. dont use more then one airstrike for one wave. maybe the next wave are jackbots.

    • gremlins
    can be a pain in the ***, so kill them fast with your around between your rocketturrets. it seems they do splash damage and can make them visible.

    • everything else:
    your towers will handle that


    • 1.) overheal all your towers around the moneyball.
    • 2.) always have juice full -> buy after you used it
    • 3.) dont use more then 1 airstrike per wave except for jackbots
    • 4.) pray for not more then 2 jackbots in a row
    • 5.) dont be jealous for my awesome paint skills

    feel free to add stuff and/or correct me
  2. Bufger

    Bufger New Member

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    I'll try but i can promise anything!
  3. AJMac

    AJMac New Member

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    I'll be sure to give it a try.

    I personally held off on building turrets inside until I could afford Rock-its. Does anyone know what sort of damage they do compared to Lazer Blazers (level 3 of course)?
  4. Rawdell210

    Rawdell210 New Member

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    Rockit turrets way better than lazer blazers. more armor more damage. but on the other side of the coin more money.
  5. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    Cool strategy, I only ever made it to round 101 but I haven't tried much. Why lasers on the interior? If you are playing that far it seems like you should be able to replace each laser with a lvl 3 rocket turret pretty easily.

    I've experimented with ice turrets on the sides and even on the front to slow bots down as much as possible. Still haven't figured out the best solo configuration though!

    Can't wait to see what the rest of you guys are trying.
  6. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    A level 3 Laser turret does more damage than a level 1 or 2 RockIt turret, so unless you can fully upgrade that thing, there's no point.
  7. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    I dont know it either. I only tested the range - its pretty equal.

    yeah, you can replace them later. The problem is, if youre doing it right, you dont loose any towers. And I didnt find build order yet to start without or at least with less lazers.

    I also tried L7 / R1 as ice turret, but as tank. Dont like the tank gameply at all lol
    But I think those black jack waves would be much easier to handle as supporter - gonna try this out next week or so.
  8. Jared

    Jared New Member

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    made it to round 149 with this tactic

  9. AJMac

    AJMac New Member

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    I gave it a try but got completely overwhelmed by around round 80 - 90. My personal best is 109 and I had 3 Shaveices (one in the dead centre of the three front turrets and the other two around the side of either wall, as Jared above me has) and every turret inside as Rock-its (fully upgraded). If you can hold off on buying LazerBlazers, building the right Rock-its can get you through enough rounds to get the money to buy all of them, fully upgraded, without taking any damage to the money ball. I didn't upgrade any skills until really close to round 60. Turrets are key.

    Keeping juiced seems to be essential. Buying it is a must in later round. You won't need the money for anything else. Use of the annihilator is a huge help. I've yet to find a good use for the ejectors, although I'm sure they too are key to success.

    No doubt that it's extremely tough to get a set-up where you can essentially carry on forever (granted you don't get any more than 2, maybe 3, Jackbot rounds on the run).

    Having said that, I can always get to round 80 if I play hard enough.
  10. wimsi

    wimsi New Member

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    what exactly is the annihilator doing? didnt try it yet lol. also, ejectors, wtf?

    Also I dont think you can reach lvl 149 with the tactic above, except the ice turrets at the sides do a really nice job.
  11. AJMac

    AJMac New Member

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    You got to round 149 without using the annihilator?!

    It's the circle with the exclamation mark in the centre of it. It's on the upper ring walkway thingy. It costs $250 to use and does and incredible amount of damage to Jackbots.
  12. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I usually only put up rocket turrets except for the one shaveice up front that I keep hacked. At lvl 3.3 it freezes everything inside the base, even coming from the backdoors, negating the need for shaveice on the sides. I do build a couple of longshots in the back corners. I might start putting more up on the sides though. Rockets turrets don't get much time on target there, but longshots could bomb the hell out the bots shaveiced inside.

    I'll hafta give that a try.
  13. Andrew Anarki

    Andrew Anarki New Member

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    I appoligize in advance for the crappy quality of this post. Im actually posting this from my DSi since my comp bit the dust. Hopefully I can get a diagram up later.
    Longest run: 198
    Class: Support
    Gold: Skill regen
    Silver: Health regen
    Bronze: Speed

    (all descriptive directions are assuming you are standing inside the spawn point)

    First 10 rounds:
    Immediately place your firebase in the center of the enraised part at the very front in between the 2 first bot spawns. This will take out most everything for the first 9 rounds and later serve to take out those pesky gap shots. Upgrade your firebase and hack skills to lvl 2, and hack the firebase. Use the remaining $300 to build a level 3 and a level 2 laser turret on the 2 frontmost nubs. Focus on gathering all the money and juice you can. Use your first $100 to upgrade your lvl 2 lazer to lvl 3. Use the next $400 to upgrade your firebase skill to lvl 3. Use the next $400 to upgrade your hack skill to lvl 3, and hack your firebase. Somewhere during this point 4 gremlins will spawn. Quickly kill them with your shotgun (instant kill at mid-close range). Use the next $150 to upgrade your airstrike skill to lvl 2. You will not get enough to upgrade it to lvl 3 until immediately after the jackbot spawns at round 10, at which point you can quickly upgrade it, but its optional at best. Use a combination of airstrikes and hurt gun to wear at the jackbot while your 3.3 firebase afflicts the blunt damage. Remember to dodg his blasts by strafing side to side, and most importantly, jump over his ground pounds. After it is dead, quickly gather the money and awesome sponsored goodies, and then hold your hurt gun on bullseye while gathering all of his drops. Remember: bacon is TOP priority, but is not required for this strategy to work.
    Continued on next post
  14. Andrew Anarki

    Andrew Anarki New Member

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    Round 11-20
    Immediately after bullseye is dead, you will need to start building in the inside area around your moneyball. First build 2 more lvl 3 lazer blazers on the 2 nubs immediately in front of your moneyball. Hack one of them. In order to streamline this, hack it while it is upgrading between lvl 1 to 2, as they take the same amount of time to finish. Remember to keep an eye on your skill meter, as you need to be able to juggle hacking both lazers in front of the moneyball, AND your firebase, keeping all three hacked at all times. Next, you will build 4 lvl 1 Shaveices. Build the first one in the center nub of the 3 nubs immediately in front of your hacked lazers. build the next 2 on the left and right inside nubs. these are the nubs in between the side spawns and the backdoor spawns. Build the 4th on the nub immediately behind the moneyball. Spend the majority of your time gathering money, which you will spend upgrading your Shaveices to lvl 2. Remember, when you hear them announce the bouncer, you will also be dealing with gremlins (which you can now easily see thanks to the shaveices). You should easily be able to upgrade all the shaveices to lvl 2, and the frontmost to lvl 3 by round 20. Take out the jackbot the same way as round 10, and proceed to draining Bullseye. Before round 21 starts, quickly build a lvl 3 lazer on each of the nubs immediately in front of the 2 backdoors. Use the restt of your money to upgrade shaveices.
    Rounds 21-30
    These rounds run pretty much the same. Use your money to finish upgrading all shaveices to lvl 3. Once that is complete, activate all jumping pads except for the 2 beside the anihilator ativator. At round 30, multiple jackpots will come out, so use the anihilator to quickly take them out. Gather their loot, and start draining bullseye.

    Continued on next post.
    Last edited: February 4, 2011
  15. Andrew Anarki

    Andrew Anarki New Member

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    Rounds 31-50

    At this point its just rinse lather repeat, so Ill focus on the remaining nubs. The next 2 to work on are the 2 inside the 2 side spawn entrances, which you should make lvl 3 lazers. ALL remaining nubs should be rockit turrets. In this case, quantity is better than quality, so build all of them at lvl 1 to begin with, and work them up to lvl 3 as funds become available. (Alternatively, you can make the 2 nubs in the far back corners into lvl 3 longshots, but these wont be useful until round 90+ when you get a wave of jackbots before your anihilator is ready). Remember keep your three points hacked, and to use the anihilator to take out the jackbots every tenth round. Also, a quick note, the way that jackbots spawn from rounds 30-50, the lazer blazer on the inside of the right side bot spawn entrance will be the hardest hit. To avoid having to rebuild this every time, remember to fully overcharge it the round before. By round 50 or so, you should have all nubs built and lvl 3. Hey, what are you doing with all that money? Upgrade those skills! After that, other than having to rebuild the occasional turret (which if youre a good support, should be very rare), its all profit from here on out.

    After level 50, the patterns become random. You will probably see a jackbot round somewhere around round 57-59, so be prepared. lvl 60 will not be jackbots, so be ready and waiting on bullseye.This will be the last round you see him.

    Using this strategy, I can usually keep anything from touching my moneyball until round 100. After that, the bots get ridiculously fast, and multiple rounds of jackbots will come in a row, meaning the anihilator wont be ready. This is where your moneyball will take the most damage because all of your turrets are focussed on the jackbots, while the accompanying blackjacks will just march straight to your moneyball. As a support, theres not much you can do about it, and in all likelyhood will be what ends your run over time.
  16. Andrew Anarki

    Andrew Anarki New Member

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    Just Remember to focus on one jackbot at a time, and use your ejectors strategically to prolong your run. I usually make it between 160-180 rounds, but my top is round 198. Below is the diagram for my turret setup.

    Try it out for yourself and let me know how it goes!

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