is it possible tu use the rockets for strategic dropping of troops? if you use the small rocket on a large world you cant acheve orbit, however it could be used as a transport for a few bots or a pair of tanks. when you launch a rocket you should be able to select the desired orbit, if the rocket cant reach orbit you could select the splashdown site. if the rocket cant reach the oposite side of the planet you could draw the rangewith a circle. with a game that puts this amount of emphasis on smashing stuff together i hope we get to use the rockets for spec ops stuff to get in behind enemy lines or as an expensive but fast dropship.
I beleive that there would be transports instead of this since the Unit Cannon basically does this (Albiet from orbit) but i do agree that this would be an interesting feature. sort of like drop pods or something?
Depending on how sophisticated uber wants to get the unit cannon may depend upon planet size(gravation) and atmospheric thickness. If you build one on a supermassive rocky planet, it may not be capable of launching drop pods to the moon, while one on the moon can drop pods to the survace. Not sure how they will decide to do this. We want depth, but eventually complexity becomes a burden.
if you add one more model you could have a factory that only makes droppods for transport. just as a pad that launches dudes to the target, on asteroids and moons it could bring cargo to orbit. imagine it a t0 space factory, not suitable for reaching orbit.
Yeah, there could be a combo unit cannon+factory that could only build kbots or somesuch. Though maybe just a smaller unit cannon might be better.
Possible yes, but right now, Uber doesn't seem to have anything very heavily defined on how the rocket will be programmed, since they haven't made any confirmations. Thinking about it, my gut says that this wouldn't be too difficult of a feature to add to a rocket, on the programming side, but a few fundamental things that as far as I know, have not been confirmed, could totally change that. Primarily I refer to how little they've said either way (as far as I know) on the subject of gravity wells. If the math of gravity wells is programmed to be fundamental, then what you are talking about is almost trivially easy on the raw programming side, if more difficult on the animation and UI fronts. However, if gravity is treated more as an idea, and each unit given a set of rules that relate to gravity, with only planets working on actual gravity, then you are talking about a much more complicated programming problem, that I won't get into. But, since nothing is confirmed, sure this is completely possible.