I notice I haven't gotten a Subcommander in a few weeks now. Have they been totally removed or just made extremely rare? I miss my helpers. They'd always make boss battles a bit more fair. I wish they'd be about as common as Superweapons.
What we need is for drops to not be completely random. People will play through several Galactic Wars getting 0 or 1 subcommanders. Other people will play through and get 8. That's not good. There needs to be some form of balance between the drops. This'll introduce a lot more balance to GW and remove frustration. No more duplicate techs. No more advanced air tech when I don't have basic air.
How about this, offer a choice about what to do with a defeated enemy commander. Reprogram enemy commander to serve you (x% chance of failure) or strip him for tech killing him in the process (x% chance of failure).
I like that idea. Maybe even have a third option to attempt to integrate with the fallen commander (highest % chance of failure, but gets you a "complete" tech pack for a certain unit type)
I like the idea that each GW is seeded with the same things.. just randomized where they are. So like a Uber GW would maybe have 2 sub commanders somewhere.. but I really don't like it when I find 0 subcommanders.