So I've looked EVERYWHERE, I can't find the problem at all... For some reason, it's like my "left" key is constantly stuck, causing me to spin around in circles, this happens on the I feel like I just wasted 5 bucks, to just watch my guy spin in circles. Please help!
1. Pull out your keyboard and plug it in again. 2. Unplug any controllers, wheels, and joysticks you may have. 3. Click Start, and paste in; Code: %userprofile%\Documents\My Games\UnrealEngine3\HostileGame\Config Thump the enter key and delete HostileInput.ini - this will delete your controls and when the game next starts will rebuild them with the default values. Try these in order, and stop once the problem is fixed. Otherwise post back here.
HostileEngine.ini Search for AllowJoystickInput=1 Change 1 to 0 99% of the time if the cursor is moving on it's own, it's a joystick or gamepad