Structure placement (With suggestion?)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by xeroxion, June 16, 2013.

  1. xeroxion

    xeroxion New Member

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    Recently bought this game on Steam. Looking forward to the expanded features as game development progresses, as PA really captures the feel of Total Annihilation better than the Supreme Commander series did for me. That being said...

    I've tooled around against the AI, not really wanting to get my butt handed to me on a platter by someone who understands the game layout and controls better than I. While doing this, I noticed that the unit factories have what is essentially a "default" exit direction even when there's multiple exits, and the models seem almost too symmetrical for me to know the difference at this point. Does anybody know if there will be better directional indicators for unit pathing out of factories, given further development?

    Apologies if this has been answered before, but a forum search turned up no relevant answers. Thanks for info or feedback!
  2. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    So all factories (except the air factory) have two exits. The exit it chooses by default is not consistent, I don't know the code that chooses which direction it goes. You can override the direction by giving the factory a rally point (select the factory and right click on the ground). Units will now build on the factory facing the direction best suited to get to that location.

    The bug is right now it's happy to make the default location some place that's completely unpathable. That is also partially because right now you can build factories in locations that are completely unpathable.

    So, yeah... to answer your question, no there won't be better direction indicators when placing because you shouldn't need any once the features are in place to ensure they're smart enough not to drive off of cliffs and for rally points to be more obvious.

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